orgasm glow

Orgasm Glow

LELO x Bijoux Indiscrets

orgasm glow


DAMIANA - boosts libido

ASHWAGANDHA - nature's antidote for stress

TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS - improves sexual desire

ZINC - reduces inflammation

L-ARGININE - strengthens immunity


Bulking Agents (Calcium Phosphates), Corn Starch (Corn Starch, Anti-caking Agents [ Cellulose, Magnesium Silicate, Magnesium Salts of Fatty Acids and Silicon Dioxide ] ), Composition of plant capsule coating (Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose), Ashwagandha Dry Extract (Withania somnifera, root), Tribulus Dry Extract (Tribulus terrestris, fruit), L-Arginine, Damiana Dry Extract (Turnera diffusa Willd., leaf), Zinc Oxide.


Orgasm Glow · Herbal Blend Dietary Supplement

2 month supply

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Orgasm Glow Food Supplement
Orgasm Glow Food Supplement
Orgasm Glow Food Supplement
Orgasm Glow Food Supplement
Orgasm Glow Food Supplement
Orgasm Glow Food Supplement
Orgasm Glow

We don’t believe in miracles but we do believe in ancient knowledge! To develop the Orgasm Glow dietary supplement, we turned to the best food supplement experts and herbal blends for the perfect formula. The result? A blend of natural ingredients and herb extracts that will take your libido for a joy ride.

We know that sometimes a lack of libido is the result of a diet that needs extra vitamins and mineral support. But choosing the right supplement can be overwhelming and even daunting. That’s why we decided to develop a solution that we, at Bijoux Indiscrets, wanted and trusted for ourselves. It’s proactive sexual health!

52,2g · 1.83 oz. 60 capsules

USD 49.00