So, you’re just about ready to give your first blowjob. Before we start, we feel that congratulations are in order so — congrats! You’re about to embark on a whole new dimension of sexuality that can be very fulfilling, assuming that your partner returns the favor (and they most definitely should) and pretty soon, you’ll be the one with advice to give.
By reading this post, you’re doing the right thing: before embarking on a new erotic endeavor like giving a blowjob, it’s best to pull tips and advice from different places and people. However ,once you get the hang of it, you’re going to discard and take on information as you see fit and eventually develop techniques that are totally your own. This leads us to our first little tidbit to keep in mind, whether it is your first blowjob or your fiftieth:
You’re the one in control
As the giver in this scenario, you’re the one who decides things like pace and tempo — and even the depth — of the blowjob being given. If something doesn’t feel right, or even if in the midst of things you’re thinking that this particular sex act isn’t for you, just stop. On the whole, guys will understand if it’s simply something you don’t do and if they’re the type to try to ‘talk you into’ or otherwise pressure you for a blowjob, feel free to drop their toxic ass.
Cottonmouth is a real blowjob barrier
Having a drink or two before giving a blowjob can make it a real chore, as alcohol can contribute to having a dry mouth. And a dry mouth can really get in the way of you having a good time while going down, not to mention his enjoyment as well. This is likewise true if you’re mixing sex with marijuana. However whether you’ve imbibed beforehand or if you’re just a touch dehydrated, there are ways around this particular problem. Keeping some chewing gum or hard sour candies on hand can kick-start your saliva glands, as can swishing a xylitol-based mouthwash for a few moments (avoid the alcohol-based mouthwashes which can contribute to dryness) before going downtown.
Take your time
Don’t just blast through the BJ to get it done as fast as you can. To be honest, if you’re rushing things just to get it over with, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place. He certainly doesn’t want you to rush (or feel rushed, for that matter) and seeing him enjoying your efforts can be a huge turn-on for you, the provider of the oral pleasure.
Focus on the journey, not the destination
Know that for a lot of guys, a blowjob is foreplay, not the main event. What we mean to say is that a lot of men don’t climax from blowjobs but still enjoy the sensation. So if he doesn’t come, don’t be disappointed. Hopefully though, you’ve both communicated about this beforehand (and during) to find out what works and what perhaps doesn’t. Which leads us to our last and perhaps most important piece of advice for blowjobs, as well as any sexual act…
The 3 C’s: Communicate, Communicate, Communicate!
Let him know what you’re comfortable with, and have him do the same. Set boundaries, focusing on what you are willing to do more than what you aren’t willing to do. Find out if he even likes blowjobs (there are some guys who don’t) and if he usually climaxes from them. Ask if he’s going to return the favor — because of course he should. During the blowjob, this communication should continue as you find out what’s working and what isn’t.
Above all, just relax and get started using some of this advice. You may even find you’re enjoying your first blowjob as much as he is!