Keep your sexual health in check with these easy-to-follow tips and tricks from health professionals who understand the importance of a pleasurable foundation. It’s never too late to join your sexual health journey!
A loaded question, and one to which the answer can vary greatly from person to person. But, by looking at the various causes as to why one can’t orgasm, it may give them insight. In this way, we hope to...
Everyone’s doing it. On TV, on billboards, on the pages of magazines and books, on social media, everyone is having sex, and loads of it. According to Planned Parenthood, the average age when people lose their virginity, aka have sex...
If I had wanted to spend my Friday date night stoned out of my mind, craving junk food with a mad case of the munchies and lazily curled up on the couch with a movie, I could have spent 10...