bipolar sex

Sex With Bipolar Disorder: What You Should Know

For people with mental health disorders, sex and sexuality can come with a unique set of challenges. 

It’s possible to have good sex and healthy relationships if you have bipolar disorder, but there are tips to keep in mind when it comes to managing your sexuality.

What Is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder, previously known as manic depression, is a recognized mental health condition that causes unusual shifts in people’s mood, energy, and activity levels. 

People with bipolar disorder often jump between two states, known as episodes – manic and depressive. During each state, people will feel and act differently, and the shift in their mood and activity can heavily impact their day-to-day lives. That includes their sexuality. 

People with bipolar disorder can manage their illness by taking medication that stabilizes their mood, and also by doing talking therapy. With the help of these two health protocols, many people who have bipolar disorder can lead a fairly balanced life. 

Bipolar Disorder and Hypersexuality 

A 2016 study published in the Psychiatry Journal revealed that anywhere between 25-85% of people with bipolar disorder experience bipolar hypersexuality during their manic episodes. Hypersexuality is compulsive sexual behavior, sometimes referred to as sex addiction. 

Researchers compared the sexual behaviors of people with bipolar disorders and people who had never shown a sign of mental illness. There were some significant behavioral differences between the two groups. 

Men with bipolar disorder had more sexual partners in the last year than men without bipolar disorder. Plus, men with bipolar disorder were much more likely to not use a condom during sex. What’s interesting in this study is that bipolar men reported having more partners, having sex with a stranger more often, and engaging in homosexual behaviors more than women with bipolar disorder. 

Hypersexual behavior during a manic episode can manifest not only as having sex more often and engaging in risky sexual behaviors but also as excessive masturbation, increased use of pornography, and preoccupation with sexual thoughts. People might also feel dissatisfied with sex during those episodes, which further prompts them to seek out more sex.

Bipolar Disorder and Sex Drive

During a depressive episode, people with bipolar disorder often have trouble being interested in sex or connecting with their partner. During this stage, people with bipolar disorder feel hopeless, down, and anxious, so it’s no surprise that the sex drive might vanish completely. Plus, certain medications can interfere with sex drive and people’s ability to have an orgasm, which can also be a disruptor in the desire for intimacy.

Bipolar Disorder and Sexual Satisfaction

As we mentioned previously, research shows that during a manic episode, people with bipolar disorder might feel dissatisfied with sex, and want more of it because of that dissatisfaction. Studies show that during a depressive episode, people with bipolar disorder might also experience lower sexual satisfaction due to decreased interest in sex. 

What’s interesting is that some research shows that people with bipolar disorders are more likely to experience sexual dysfunction, and they tend to report lower overall relationship satisfaction.

Do People With Bipolar Disorder Cheat More?

It is true that people with bipolar disorder are more likely to engage in risky sexual behaviors during a manic episode, which might include infidelity. However, just because someone has bipolar disorder, does not mean that they are more likely to cheat on their partner – there is no conclusive research that proves this. People cheat on their partners for many reasons, but bipolar disorder is not one of them. 

How To Have a Satisfying Sex Life With Bipolar Disorder

Consider Therapy

Therapy can greatly help in managing your bipolar disorder and improving romantic relationship and intimacy. If you struggle with shame or negative thoughts about your behavior during manic episodes, it can be helpful to talk with a professional who can guide you through it. If you have a partner, consider couples therapy which can teach you both how to build a healthy and supportive relationship. 

Understand Your Triggers 

Jumping between manic and depressive episodes when you either want to have sex all of the time, or barely experience sexual desire, can be challenging. But knowing the symptoms and your triggers can help manage your life and sexual behaviors. 

It’s also useful to understand what sort of behaviors you might be tempted to engage in when you are in a manic or depressive episode. Learning the consequences of your actions, for example, unsafe sex or cheating on your partner, can help you stay more aware of your actions.

Learn More About Your Medication

It might be useful to track the side effects of your medications and see how you feel when you take them. The right medication can save your life and greatly increase the quality of your life, but it might take time to find the right one. Don’t shy away from consulting with your doctor if you sense that a certain medication makes you feel unwell. 

Communicate With Your Partner 

If you have bipolar disorder and are in a long-term committed relationship, make sure to communicate and be honest about your feelings and mental health at all times. Involving a partner in the process of navigating sexuality with bipolar disorder can be beneficial for the health of the relationship.