how to pillow hump

Your Guide To Pillow Humping Like a Pro

If you are bored with your masturbation routine and want to expand your self-pleasure sexual repertoire, why not try pillow humping? Yes, you read that right – pillow humping might be your next favorite thing!

Before you write off humping your pillow as something only horny teenagers do, hear us out. There are many good reasons why pillow humping is sexy and pleasurable, and you might be very tempted to try it once you’re done reading our guide. 

So, let’s talk about why pillow humping is worth your time and seven tips to make it an extremely pleasurable experience.

Your Guide To Pillow Humping

What is pillow humping? 

Pillow humping is a masturbation technique that involves a person grinding or rubbing their genitals against the pillow for sexual pleasure. While it’s most common for people with vulvas because it’s a very effective way to stimulate the clitoris, people with penises also engage in this activity. 

While it might sound like a weird way to masturbate, especially knowing that there are so many great sex toys out there that can give you toe-curling, mind-blowing orgasms within seconds, pillow humping is actually very pleasurable and can be super fun. 

And it’s more common than you think! So, if you ever considered riding your pillow, or you have been enjoying pillow humping already, know that you are definitely not alone. 

Why do people engage in pillow humping?

So, why do people hump their pillows? Well, there are a few good reasons for it:

Easy access

Most people with vulvas start humping their pillows early on in life and it’s because of how easy and accessible it is. Some might not even be aware of what they’re doing, or why it feels good when they rub against the pillow because they are young and haven’t had proper sex education yet. 

But yeah, pillow-humping might be the easiest way to masturbate, and anyone can do it anytime. 

Clitoral orgasms

One of the reasons why pillow humping feels so good is because it allows for direct clitoral stimulation, which is the easiest way for most people with vulvas to orgasm.

When you rub against the pillow, not only are you stimulating the clitoris, but also the whole vulva area, which can feel very pleasurable when you are aroused. So, pillow humping can offer a pretty intense stimulation for some people. What’s there not to like?


While masturbating with sex toys is effective, pleasurable, and super fun, owning and using sex toys might be an issue for some people. First of all, due to age restrictions, younger people might not be able to purchase a sex toy, so a pillow (amongst other household items) might be the only way to enhance their self-pleasure exploration. 

Second of all, some people might live with roommates in an apartment with thin walls which means that most sex toys might be too loud to enjoy without everyone hearing. Also, some people might have privacy issues where they might not have a safe space to store their sex toys, which again prevents them from owning them. 

In these cases, using a pillow to enhance self-pleasure is the way to go. 

Something new

Just like you need new ways to have sex with your long-term partner, you also sometimes need to spice things up with yourself. Masturbating in the same way can get boring after a while, so trying out pillow humping to switch up your masturbation routine can be super exciting and sexy. 

7 Ways To Hump Your Pillow into Orgasmic Bliss

Alright, it’s time to talk about the fun part – how to pillow hump like a pro! As with every sexual act, there is no right or wrong way to do it. Everyone will find that some things work for them, while others don’t. 

It’s important to remember that it’s OK if you don’t certain ways to hump your pillow. The key is to find a way that works for you, and that might require a little bit of exploration. So, be patient and have fun!

Panties or no panties… that is the question

You can dry hump with your panties on or without your panties. The choice is yours, and both ways can feel amazing. However, panties and no panties might offer a different experience. 

Masturbating through your panties can be pretty amazing, so if you choose to hump your pillow with your panties on, consider the material of the panties. Cotton will feel different from lace, and it will impact how intense the stimulation on your clit will feel. 

Cotton panties are much softer, so the stimulation will be gentler, while lace is rougher and will offer much more intensity when you grind against the pillow. 

If you choose to go without panties, you’ll have direct stimulation from the pillow on your clitoris and the whole vulva area, which can provide much more intense sensations. However, the material of your pillow covers also matters – cotton will feel different from satin or velvet. 

So, as you can see, you have many different options here for different pillow-humping experiences, so play around with panties and no panties, and different materials to see what feels the best. 

The right pillow is key 

The type of your pillow will greatly impact your pillow-humping experience. While you can essentially use any pillow you desire and make it work, different types of pillows will offer different sensations. 

Softer pillows might be better for different positions because you can easily bend and shape them however you like. However, because they are soft, you might not get as much clitoral stimulation as you’d like. 

Harder pillows, made from memory foam, might not be as easy to shape if you want to try different ways, but they can offer a much more solid surface to grind and rub against. So, those who need more stimulation to orgasm might prefer a harder pillow. 

Lastly, you might want to consider investing in a sex pillow. Of course, that only works if you have a space to store them because they tend to be large. However, you can even find inflatable options or smaller, discreet sex pillows that might easily blend into your surroundings. 

Sex pillows are made for sex, so they are harder and often come in shapes that are made to fit your body in different ways. Also, some have insertable pockets that allow you to insert a vibrator or even a dildo, which might give you more ways to switch things up during a pillow-humping session. 

Also, it’s important to talk about hygiene. If you choose to hump your pillow without panties, there might be natural liquids from you that get on the covers. It’s important to wash your pillow covers often and avoid sleeping on them, rather consider having a dedicated humping pillow that you use for that purpose alone. 

Stack the pillows together

If you find that humping one pillow doesn’t do much more for you, consider building a pillow tower and mounting them all. This will create more density, and you’ll have a much more solid surface to grind and rub against which should offer more intense stimulation against your clit. 

Mounting a pillow tower also puts you in a very comfortable, yet effective position. Your legs will be wide open, with your vulva and clitoris braced against the pillows for the most intense and pleasurable stimulation.

Find the right position 

Choosing the right position for pillow humping is key! The good thing is that pillows are super versatile and you can manipulate them however you want to find the best angle. 

Here are a few basic positions to consider:

  • Pillow Missionary: lay down on your back, and tuck the pillow between your legs. You can then rub, grind, thrust, and wiggle your hips to create friction. Use your hands to place the pillow where you want and even push it against your pelvis to increase the stimulation. 
  • On the Side: lay on your side with your legs slightly bent. Tuck the pillow between your legs and adjust it so that it’s right against your vulva and clitoris. Then, rub, grind, and wiggle your hips to create friction. 
  • Cowgirl: place a pillow or a few on the bed (or other comfortable surface) and straddle them. Grind and rub your pelvis against the pillows back and forth to create friction. You can place your hands on the bed or the wall for support. This position is great if you want to bring a toy in, as you can lay it down on the pillow and grind against it. 

Play around with different positions and variations of it to find one that works the best for you. 

Hip movements matter

Your hip movements can have a huge impact on how you experience pleasure, solo or during partnered sex. If you are not familiar with how your pelvis and hip movements change the way you experience pleasure, pillow humping is the perfect place to experiment and explore. 

The first and most basic movement you can make is to grind. It means moving your pelvis and hips back and forth as you rub against the pillow. You can go as slow or as fast as you want. 

Another motion you can try is making circles with your hips. So, imagine that you are drawing a circle with your hips as you rub against the pillow. It might take a few tries to get it right, so be patient with yourself. Going in circles offers a bit of a different stimulation than going back and forth, so it’s definitely worth a try!

If you’re into drawing circles, consider amping up and drawing an “8” with your hips while you rub against the pillow. This motion once more can elicit different sensations as it stimulates the clitoris and vulva from different angles. 

And lastly, some people with vulvas might find it pleasurable to try the side-to-side motion with the hips. So, sway your hips to the sides as you rub against the pillow and see if that feels good. 

Invite your partner to watch

One way to elevate your pillow-humping experience is to invite your partner to watch you. While masturbation is often a solo adventure, it can be super hot to involve your partner by giving them a show. And trust us, they will be very happy to be involved! 

Add your favorite toy 

Lastly, you might want to use your favorite sex toy while pillow humping to add more sensations and make your orgasms even more intense. You can lay the external vibrating toy like Smart Wand 2 or Lily 3 on the pillow and grind your clitoris and vulva against it. 

Or, you might use an insertable toy like Lyla 2 and opt for those mind-blowing blended orgasms. Insert Lyla 2 inside you, and use the remote control (or give it to your partner to control) to choose the vibrating setting to stimulate your G-spot, while you rub your clitoris against the pillow.