vulva stimulation techniques

Vulva & Clitoris Stimulation Techniques for Non-Penetrative Sex

Some folks might love sex, but just aren’t that into penetration. You might even dig it when properly aroused with a caring partner, but otherwise, it’s kinda ‘meh’ for you. 

Similarly, there are plenty of reasons you might feel horny, but not in the mood for a dick, dildo, or G-spot vibrator, like being on your period, feeling really full after a big meal, or simply feeling tired and only up for ‘rubbing one out’ externally.

However you choose to get down with yourself in your solo time or with a partner – from oral play to mutual masturbation to getting hands-on all over your naked bodies to dry humping – it all counts as intimacy if that’s what makes you feel good.

If you’re peeping the dildo collections of your favorite sex toy bloggers or sexual wellness influencers and wishing, ‘damn, why can’t I have an entire treasure trove of external stim toys?’ Well, we’re here to tell you that you totally can.

Check out our LELO-approved list of top techniques and orgasmic toys for the ultimate in vulva and clitoral ecstasy. 

Get Licked by a Rotating Oral Sex Simulator

ora 3 aqua

At LELO, we know exactly how to please vulvas and clitorises without the need for sticking it in (though we can certainly take care of your penetrative needs, too, if that’s what you’re into).

Think about your ideal oral sex scenario. Does it involve a soft tongue slowly twirling around and around your clitoris and labia, gently building up speed and ending in a warm, melting climax? 

The ORA 3 does exactly that, and all while vibrating, too. The Ora 3’s magic is all thanks to its pleasure node, a stiff, rotating bead that lies beneath a swath of silicone, pulled tightly across the bead. As you click through the toy’s 12 settings of bead-swirling and vibration – which, by the way, can be turned on together or separately – you’ll see exactly why this pleasure tool is compared to receiving some amazing head.

We suggest starting out by generously drizzling some water-based lubricant over your entire vulva and then turning on the Ora 3’s rotating and twirling capabilities, setting the rotation speed to your liking. You might not even make it to the vibration settings, to be honest, but if you do, you won’t last long once you combine the Ora 3’s delicious tongue-like swirling with its rumbly vibrator.

Spring for a Pinpoint Suction Toy 

LELO Sona 2

When it comes to air pulse suction toys, the hype is oh so real. There’s a reason these babies have been the talk of the sex toy town for the last handful of years.

For direct clitoral stimulation that ranges from mild to downright powerful, the SONA 2 Cruise delivers climaxes that rumble all the way through your body. 

Imagine a lover pursing their lips in a tight pout, placing those plump lips directly over your clitoris’s sensitive tip, and then creating a pulsing suction that lifts the clit up and down in rapid succession. Sound way too exhausting for a single person to enact, no? That’s why the SONA 2 Cruise does all the work without the jaw soreness for your partner.

Apply some water-based lube to your clitoris and vulva, press the SONA 2 Cruise against your clit, and start clicking through the toy’s 12 speed and pulsation settings. If things feel too intense, move the SONA 2 Cruise’s soft, wide mouth to the side of your clitoral hood, or take a break by switching to gentler finger stimulation or a less intense toy.

Bottom line: External pleasure seekers can’t have it all until they’ve got a pressure wave, pulsating clit stimulator. These bad boys are the present and future of the sex toy industry.

Try Suction Toys That Encompass the Entire Vulva

sila product aqua

Do you prefer your oral sex strokes broader than pin-point? For those of us with super sensitive sexual parts, pressure wave clitoral toys can occasionally feel a bit overwhelming since all of the toy’s power is directed straight at the tip of your clit.

As much as we at LELO love to brag about direct clitoral stimulation via vibrators and oral sex simulators, it truly takes different strokes for different folks, and that applies to how strongly or directly your clitoris enjoys being pleasured. 

The SILA Cruise might be a better fit for your flower if you’re all about sensually slow labia stroking, gently caressing or tapping your clitoris over the hood, or feel more anxious than blissful from ultra-powerful vibrators or suction toys.

The SILA Cruise encompasses the entire vulva – lips, clitoral hood and all – with 8 speeds of suction for a slower build-up to climax. Start on the lowest setting and click the buttons to amp up the power as you become more aroused – or not, if you’re really feelin’ it on the toy’s lower speeds. 

Take the SILA Cruise out for a spin if you prefer your external pleasures in lengthy quality over wham-bam quantity. 

Get Clitorally Cozy with a Re-Vamped Take on a Classic Vibe

LELO Alia Pink

After all is said and done with today’s trendiest pleasure toys, maybe you’re a classic clitoral vibrator lover after all. 

The ALIA is a modernized version of our favorite style of clit vibe – one that’s all about stimulating the entirety of your vulva with lusciously deep, rumbly vibrations. 

Alia’s egg-shaped design can be rolled over your pelvic area, teasing from the public bone down to the perineum. Hold the Alia in your hand and experiment with different sensations by alternating between the vibrator’s broader, side surfaces and the toy’s rounded, pinpoint tip. The Alia’s 6 vibration settings range from teasingly slow and bass-y to climax-inducing throbbing.

For clitoral toy connoisseurs, the Alia is the ultimate vibe for dynamic, external solo play.