tips for wedding sex

Wedding Night Sex Tips

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It used to be that couples would wait until their wedding night for the chance to finally experience each other sexually.

This thankfully is not the case anymore, especially considering our own data surmising that the average couple will be together for nearly 3 years before becoming engaged. Then, the majority of engagement periods last between 12-18 months, meaning that your relationship is about 4 years old before it’s even officially and legally binding.

Don’t get us wrong, this is a reassuring societal shift that allows couples to make extra sure that they’ve chosen the right life partner and are compatible in all the important ways. 4 years however is enough time for a sexual comfort zone with someone become a romantic routine, and we’re suggesting some ideas to spice up your lovemaking, if only for one night; your wedding night.

Take a Break

So you’ve been intimate together way too many times to count, but anticipation is still enough to drive even the most familiar partners crazy. So in the weeks or days before your wedding, avoid having sex and sexual contact – depending on your sexual frequency, you both can decide how long this break should be.

Take it even further by issuing a ban on even seeing each other naked, and even further still by agreeing to forego self-pleasure in the run-up to the ceremony. This is a really basic idea for making your wedding night sex even better, but a wholly-effective one nonetheless.

Don’t Leave it for Last

Whether your wedding is a formal affair or a low-key event, it’s still a big day that will most likely leave both of you drained at the end of the day – enough so that half of all newlyweds don’t even have sex on their wedding night.

Don’t be afraid to sneak off during the reception for some time alone together; the great thing about parties is that they can go on without the guests of honor, and groomsmen and bridesmaids are there to explain away any momentary absence anyhow, so you’re covered.

Get a Room, You Two

While tropical locales and a frolic through Europe are the most common places for a honeymoon, you’d be surprised at the number of couples who simply head home together after their reception. To make you wedding night sex, and the sex for your first few days and man and wife stand out, get out of your element.

If international travel isn’t on the table, opt for a staycation instead and head to a local hotel for a few days. The new surroundings offer a whole new freshness to your carnal affairs as newlyweds by taking you out of the everyday and into an all-new place you can share together.

Let Him Carry You

No matter how many of the wedding clichés you’ll try to avoid with your one-of-a-kind ceremony, keep the ‘being carried across the threshold’ one intact. It’s a small gesture that literally sweeps you off your feet, which is a great thing because you’ve probably been on them all day long!

Something New

‘Something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue’ is what a bride needs to be wearing for some added luck on her wedding day, but there’s no reason not to take your ‘something new’ into the bedroom as well.

Your wedding night, or the nights that follow during your honeymoon, are the perfect time to debut a new item to spice up your sensual sharing, and one that you can enjoy together for a number of years to come. We’ve got a number of items for sharing with your dearly beloved, all covered under a 10-year warranty that ensures that it will still be in your lives by the time of your Tin Anniversary.

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