ultimate cock ring guide for beginners

How To Use a Cock Ring: LELO’s Ultimate Guide

If you ever wanted to learn how to use a cock ring, you’ve come to the right place! Cock rings are an amazing addition to every single’s and couple’s sex toy collection. They can be an easy way to enhance orgasms for both partners and barely take up any space. 

So, let’s dive deeper into the world of cock rings and discover why you’d want to try using one and how to do it the right way, even if you’re a beginner. 

What is a cock ring? 

A cock ring (aka cock band, penis ring, or c-ring) is a band designed to be worn around the penis to enhance the erection during solo or partnered sex. Originally, cock rings were used for medical purposes to help men with erectile dysfunction, but now they’re a staple in many people’s sex toy collections.

Cock rings come in different shapes and designs and are made from various materials, ranging from silicone to plastic to even metal. And sometimes, a cock ring extends to include the balls as well. 

How does a cock ring work?

The cock ring is designed to be placed around the penis and fit tight enough to enhance the erection by stopping the blood from leaving the penis slower. In exchange, the penis tends to appear harder, the veins are more accentuated, and the erection lasts longer. 

Cock ring benefits for men 

For men, the benefits of wearing a cock ring are:

  • Improved sensations: the penis is harder, intensifying all the sensations for better orgasms.
  • Lasting longer in bed: men who wear cock rings say they can last longer during intercourse.
  • Extra stimulation: vibrating cock rings can be amazing for adding extra stimulation to the penis and the balls on top of the tight gripping sensation, which leads to more intense orgasms.
  • Confidence boost: when your erection is harder, your penis appears larger, and you last longer in bed, you’ll be more confident and satisfied with your sexual experiences. 

Cock ring benefits for women

While cock ring is worn by men to help enhance their erection and make solo and partnered sex more enjoyable, there are also benefits for women by:

  • Deeper stimulation: due to the penis being harder with a cock ring on, it might hit all the right spots during vaginal penetration, leading to a more satisfying experience.
  • Clit stimulation: vibrating penis rings are great for clitoral stimulation during sex, which improves orgasms and allows you to not worry about manually stimulating your clit. 
  • Longer sex: on average, it takes a man 5 minutes to orgasm, and for a woman, 14 minutes during intercourse. Cock rings help your partner last longer, which helps to improve the quality of intercourse. 

Different types of cock rings 

So, there are a few different types of cock rings for you to choose from: 

Adjustable rings 

Adjustable rings might look funny with their lasso-style shape, but they’re still a great option if you want a safe and stress-free way to improve your erections. You can wear them underneath the scrotum or around your penis and adjust the tightness however you like. 

what does a cock ring actually do

Vibrating rings

Vibrating rings like TOR 2  are the best option for partnered play because they can enhance both partners’ pleasure. They’re often made out of silicone, making them easy to use even for beginners.

On top of the tightening sensation, vibrating c-rings provide added vibrations that can be felt by your partner over their clit or anus and by you, over your penis and/or balls. 

Silicone rings 

Silicone rings are the best beginner-friendly option and are made of soft, stretchy silicone. They can come in all different shapes and sizes, thicknesses, and widths. You can get one or a variety pack with different size options so you can switch and choose whichever fits your taste the best. 

Silicone rings are easier to put on as they can stretch pretty wide and they can be used to put not only over the base of the penis but also on the balls for even more intense pleasure. 

Rigid rings 

These are cock rings that are made out of solid materials, most often plastic or stainless steel. These penis rings are best left for more advanced users as they’re harder to remove if something goes wrong. When picking out these rings, you must find the right size for you to ensure there won’t be any permanent damage to the penis. 

Multitasking rings 

In this category, we have the cock rings that include a ball ring for double grip around your penis. They can be made of soft silicone, which is a beginner-friendly option, plastic, and stainless steel. 

Another option for c-rings that can do it all are the cock/ball rings with an anal plug. These are an awesome option for those interested in enhancing their orgasms even further by including prostate stimulation

How to use a cock ring: your step-by-step guide 

Are you ready to experience the world of toe-curling orgasms with the help of a cock ring? Here’s a quick step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Step 1: Groom 

The feeling of pulling your hair out is not the most pleasant one. Especially when those hairs are your pubes in an extremely sensitive area of your body. So, unless extreme pain is part of the play and gets you off, you might want to spend some time grooming before putting on a cock ring. 

Trimm your pubes with a trimmer, as short as possible, to minimize the hairs getting pulled when the ring is on. If you’re using plastic or metal, it might not be as painful, but with silicone rings, every hair is sure to be picked up with every move of your hips. 

You might even opt for a complete shave in the pubic area if you’re interested in experimenting with different placements of the ring and plan on putting it not only over your penis but your balls as well.

Step 2: Lube it up 

Personal lubricant shouldn’t be reserved for penetrative toys only! It can make the experience of using a cock ring so much easier and better. Before you put the cock ring on your penis, apply a small amount of lube to the inner part of the ring. Then, slide it on the penis with ease. 

Remember that if you’re using a penis ring made of silicone, opt for a water-based (always the safest option) or oil-based lube. Just like with your other silicone toys, using silicone lube with a silicone c-ring can ruin the material and make the ring tacky. 

However, if you’re using a latex condom for sex with a cock ring, avoid using anything oil-based. Oil damages latex condoms, which can increase the chances of the condom breaking during sex. 

Step 3: Put the ring on a flaccid or semi-erect penis 

If you are using a cock ring on your penis, don’t go in by trying to put the c-ring on a fully erect penis. This might be hard and uncomfortable, causing unnecessary distress. Even adding extra lube might not be enough to make it easier. 

You are excited and ready to have the time of your life, so, naturally, it might be hard, but it’s much easier to slide the cock ring on a flaccid or semi-erect penis. There will be enough space for the ring to comfortably settle in place, and you can adjust it to be in the perfect spot. 

Now, finding the right spot will be the next step. For beginners, it’s easiest to place the cock ring at the base of your cock, right above the balls. It’s easy to fit the ring there and easier to remove if something feels wrong or you get freaked out. 

As you become more familiar with the sensations and learn what you like, you can experiment with different placements. For example, if you’re looking for an even more intense erection, placing the cock ring at the base of your shaft and your balls might be something you enjoy. 

When placing the cock ring over the balls, take it slow and be gentle. Stretch the silicone ring as far as it can go and place each ball separately through it to ensure a pain-free experience. 

Step 4: Experiment with the vibe 

While vibrating cock rings are fairly straightforward, learning how to use a vibrating cock ring can take quite a bit of experimentation. So, buckle up, and let’s get explaining!

If you’re using a c-ring during solo play, you might want to try flipping the cock ring, so the vibrating head is facing down. In this position, the vibrations will be directed to your balls, adding extra sensations to a very sensitive area and giving you the benefits of squeezing the shaft for enhanced pleasure. 

With your partner, you might want to be more willing to share and position the ring in a way that hits their clitoris during penetrative sex. Using it for anal can also be awesome due to many sensitive nerve endings located in the anus area.

Play around with different vibration settings to find the one you and your partner enjoy the most, and don’t be afraid to switch it up mid-way to spice things up. 

Step 5: Find the best position 

If you’re flying solo, then the position in which you play with the cock ring doesn’t matter much. Find whatever feels comfortable, lay back, and relax. 

Now, if you’re using a cock ring with your partner, there is much more to explore. Try a few different positions to find the one that brings you and your partner the most pleasure. Here are a few sexy ideas for partnered play: 


Oldie, but a goodie! This position is perfect for optimizing the use of a vibrating cock ring for both you and your partner. Put the cock ring on so that the vibrating part faces your partner. As you penetrate them, the vibrating part will hit their clit in just the right way to guarantee a mindblowing orgasm. 


Give your partner even more pleasure by wearing a vibrating cock ring in this position. Lay down on a comfortable surface with the cock ring in place. Let your partner straddle you and grind their way to the best orgasm of their life while you lay back and enjoy the best view. 


Sit down in a lotus position with the cock ring on. Your partner sits in the same position in your lap, weaving their legs around your waist. As you penetrate them, the cock ring will hit the clit, and your partner can also use their hips to grind on it. 

It’s also a very intimate position that allows you to kiss and look each other in the eyes during sex.


Your partner should get on their knees, lowering the upper part of their body all the way to the ground with their ass hovering in the air. You penetrate them from behind, with the vibrating part of the cock ring turned towards your balls. 

At this particular angle, the vibrating cock ring might be able to hit your partner’s clit with each thrust. Experiment to see if it works for you. It might take a few times to find just the right angle. 

Step 6: Don’t go overboard 

With how amazing the sensations feel during sex while wearing a cock ring, it might be tempting to wear it for as long as possible. Nobody wants the fun to stop too soon, right? 

However, the industry standard recommendation for how long you should keep the cock ring on is 20-30 minutes. So, even if sex lasts longer, it’s best to stay safe and remove the cock ring after 20 minutes.

You can always put it back on after a break, so don’t worry!

When wearing a cock ring, always consider how your penis feels. If your penis feels cold or you feel numbness and pain, remove the cock ring. If you see that it’s hard to remove it, apply more lube before you try to gently slide it off. 

Step 7: Try it with a blowjob

While blowjobs are awesome on their own, if you want to take it up a notch and experience a new level of pleasure, combine the blowjob with a cock ring. 

Put a vibrating cock ring like TOR 2  on and turn on your favorite vibration setting. Let your partner work their magic with their tongue together with the gentle vibes. To change things up, turn the cock ring around so that the vibrating part rests between your shaft and balls so that they’re stimulated directly. 

Pro tip: ask your partner for a little prostate stimulation with their fingers, and you’ll surely see the stars. 

Quick and dirty FAQ 

Let’s answer some of the most common questions people have about how to properly use a cock ring:

Can I use a cock ring with a condom? 

You can use a condom together with your cock ring. Always make sure that you read the packaging instructions on the condoms you’re using and the cock ring.

But generally, your cock ring should sit above the condom and not the other way around. So, when getting ready, roll the condom over your penis first, and add lube if needed to make it easier to slide on the cock ring over it.  

Is a cock ring safe? 

Yes, a cock ring is safe to use like most sex toys. However, before using one, always make sure that you choose the right material and size. If you get a ring that’s too small for your size, the whole experience can be more painful than pleasurable. 

The same goes for reading the instructions for using a cock ring properly before you try one for the first time. 

How does a cock ring feel? 

Like most sexual experiences, the way a cock ring feels during sex varies greatly amongst people. For penis owners, wearing a cock ring can feel like someone is squeezing their cock with an even, strong grip. 

The intensity of the squeezing sensation depends on what kind of cock ring you choose – thicker, cushy cock rings provide a more general feel, while the thinner ones offer a more localized sensation. 

Due to the extra blood flow in your penis, it will feel fuller and, in some cases, more sensitive. Your penis will feel firmer, which can provide a unique kind of sensation. 

As for women whose partners wear the c-ring, the sensation can also be different than usual. Due to the veins being more defined while wearing the ring, the sensations during penetration can be more intense. Women might also feel certain spots being hit harder due to the penis being harder while wearing the ring. 

How do I clean a cock ring? 

While the c-ring doesn’t go inside your body during sex, it should still be cleaned properly after each use. You can use a sex toy cleaner you prefer or opt for soap with warm water to clean your cock ring. 

For longevity, store it in a bag that it comes from, away from direct sunlight. You might also want to avoid storing your cock ring with other toys without adding a barrier between them as it can ruin the materials, especially silicone, faster. 

How long can I wear a cock ring? 

According to recommendations from the c-ring manufacturers and the International Society for Sexual Medicine, you should wear a cock ring for no longer than 30 minutes at a time. 

Follow the instructions and you can reap the benefits of the toy. 

What is the best cock ring for beginners? 

Choosing the right cock ring for the first time can be overwhelming, with many different varieties available. The best cock ring for beginners is probably a silicone ring. 

Silicone is the best material choice for beginners because it’s stretchy and not as restrictive as plastic or steel. It’s easier to put on and remove.

Silicone c-rings are awesome because they also come in different varieties – you can choose a simple band or a vibrating ring that will add even more sensations to sex.

How to choose a cock ring size?

Most vibrating silicone rings come in a size large enough to accommodate different size penises. And silicone rings can stretch wide enough, so even if you’re unsure about the size, chances are that it will fit. Alternatively, you can find cock ring sets that usually offer three or more different size rings. 

If you want to go for rigid cock rings made of plastic or steel, you might want to have accurate measurements to find the best fit. To measure yourself, the easiest way to do it is with a shoelace or a string. Wrap the shoelace around the part of your cock where the ring will sit (usually at the base), and then measure it with a measuring tape to know your circumference.