her only fan chapter two free sex story

Her Only Fan, Pt. 2 – An Erotic Story

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Previous Chapter: Her Only Fan, Pt.1

The first ring of her phone didn’t jar Anna’s attention from the drama unfolding a few feet from her on the wide-screen TV. At the second ring, she mindlessly picked up the small phone and drooled out a hello.

“Hi, Anna, it’s me,” Danni said. “Something’s up.”

“Okay.” Anna winced as two men exchanged punches on the TV. Sweat and blood flew across the screen with those punches.

“I’m worried,” Danni said.

“Yes, get him!” Anna cheered one of the fighters.

“Anna, are you listening?”

She finally attended to her friend.

“Is this work-related, Danni?” Anna asked, although still focused on the TV.

“No—and yes. Kind of both.”

“You believed her, man, so you deserve what you got,” Anna told the TV. Then she again returned to Danni. “If it’s part work, what’s the other part?”

“Kelli Tois!”

The name broke her attention away from the TV. A real-life drama.

“Kelli Tois?” Anna gasped.

Anna immediately paused the TV, freezing the two bruised and bloodied men in the midst of their punches.

“Yes, Kelli Tois.”

Anna stood and flipped the remote control onto the recliner. “Fill me in, girl. What’s up?”

“A whistleblower.”

“A whistleblower what?”

“Told on me. Some police officer saw me and reported me. Filed a complaint about ‘Kelli Tois,’ thinking it’s me.”

“It is you.”

“I know, but anyway, I’m in big trouble.” Danni’s voice became weak and scratchy. “Anna, I don’t want to lose ‘Kelli Tois,’ but I don’t want to be fired either.”

Anna was quiet.

“So I got to figure something out,” Danni said. “I never expected this to happen. ‘Kelli Tois’ was for fun. Nothing more than that. I’m not a porn star or some nude model. I like to chat online. To be sexy.”

“Is it illegal? I mean doing ‘Kelli Tois’?”

“They told me it wasn’t illegal but that it was too. It’s got something to do with a state rule on ‘moonlighting.’ Like, jobs done after hours, a secondary job. It isn’t explicitly forbidden. It’s the things that go along with it. The investigators said I had to—”

Anna interrupted. “Did you just say ‘investigators’?”

She pulled the phone from her ear and stared at the screen displaying Danni’s jovial profile pic.

“Yes, investigators. Two of them. They held me for, like, a three-hour interrogation. They asked me question after question and brought out evidence for me to see. They showed naked pictures of me to confirm. I thought about lying, but it wouldn’t be prudent. I was so scared and confused and angry. Then, listen to this, they also requested a follow-up meeting.”

“Another meeting?” Anna patted her chest, as she paced across the room to the kitchen. She grabbed a red can of cold Coke. “More questions? My goodness. About what, after three hours already?”

“I have no idea. Even weirder, the two don’t want to meet at the department headquarters or anywhere like that. They want to meet at a bar. You know Harkenrider’s.”

“This is like a criminal TV show!”

“I am not a criminal, Anna. I just, you know—”

Anna interrupted Danni with a gasp.

“Oh shit! I was on your channel. Danni, Danni, do you think they’ll come after me?” Her voice cracked. Worry spilled from her mouth and her hand began to wave frantically. “I didn’t do anything. I don’t want to get in trouble. I knew I shouldn’t have done that scene. Why did you convince me?”

She pounded her fist against her thigh. “You are so mean. Thinking of no one but yourself. Danni, recordings last forever. I can’t survive in jail. I never would. I would be …”

“Quit it, Anna. Get a hold of yourself,” Danni scolded. “You’re not connected to this. Besides, you only showed your ass once. No one saw your face.”

“But ‘Anna Banana’! They can find me. My first name is Anna. And my butt is big enough to be obvious. They find an Anna with a giant ass, and I’m pegged.”

“Stop it,” Danni hissed. “You’re watching way too much TV. Listen, I’m the one who has to be worried. You should be calming me down. Not me calming you.”

Anna plopped on the arm of the couch. She inhaled a deep breath. “I’m sorry, Danni.”

The pair went silent again. Anna stared at the men paused on the screen. She heard Danni breathing deeply on the other side of the phone. Anna thought it sounded like Danni’s rare tears that came with soft whimpers.

“You’ll be all right, Danni. This too shall pass. A few pictures, a couple of videos. It’s nothing that could get you fired. Plus, you’re big-time in the department and been there for years. The sheriff will consider that in light of everything. He’ll be on your side. That will protect you. One error wouldn’t—it couldn’t ruin everything.”

“But regulations, Anna.” Danni sniffled faintly. “It may get me fired. It’s definitely possible. Regulations are what kill careers. What do I do if I can’t work for the sheriff’s department?”

There was a pause, until Anna broke the quiet.

“I don’t understand the second meeting, and it being at a bar. Kind of odd,” Anna said.

“And the investigators, they gave me a sense that this meeting at the bar isn’t, you know, formal. They have something up their sleeve. Maybe to blackmail me.” Danni exhaled into the phone.

“Wow, Danni, this is what happens on TV. It happens all the time.”

“What happens?”

“A meeting off the premises—at a bar or a similar abnormal place when considering the circumstances. Hmm? Following an in-depth interrogation, some investigative research, questioning about a very big-time situation. There may be another side to all of this.” Anna tapped her chin.

 She glanced toward the guys who still were paused, mid-fight, on the wide screen.

“You think there will be more? Underhanded?” Danni asked.

“They may be a pair of questionable interrogators. I mean they may not be so upstanding or on the side of justice. Kelli Tois, yes Kelli Tois, may be able to control them. Think about it.”

“That’s crazy.”

“I’ve seen enough TV.”

Danni gave a frustrated exhale. “This isn’t TV, Anna. It won’t end in 60 minutes. It’s not a series.”

“I’m just going to say, keep your eyes out.”

“Fine, I will. But here’s what I need.” Danni paused. “I need your help.”

“You want me at the bar the night of the meeting? I’ll be there!” Anna had excitement in her response. “I can bring a camera. We’ll set a trap.”

“I was actually thinking more about Kelli Tois.”

“Kelli Tois, me?”

“I need to keep ‘Kelli Tois’ going, active, but I can’t be there. I have to be absent for a little while. There’s only one person who I know to keep it alive.”

Danni then went silent, letting the comment linger. Anna went silent too, listening to the comment ring in her ear. Likewise, the two men on the screen remained paused with balled-up fists and gritty faces.

Anna thought of her one-time appearance with Danni as Kelli Tois. She had bared her ass and enjoyed a toy with Danni’s help. Danni had made her a star for a moment.

Danni whispered the request. “Can you—would you—go online for me for a couple of videos?”

The viewers had loved Anna. The compliments flooded in to her surprise. In fact, she was astounded to read them. Parts of her body that she despised, the men loved. The men liked full-sized women, not just the slim model.

After a millennia of quietness, Danni offered again, “Just one or two—maybe three—videos. Only short ones.”

Anna took in a breath. “I … I’m …”

Anna stalled. She looked at her wide thighs that were being strangled by her shorts as she sat on the arm of the couch. She felt the weight of her slack sandbags for breasts, which were at the moment freed of a bra. She took a deep breath to speak, but Danni spoke before she did.

“We can do no-face videos. Anything neck down. All your choice. I just need content. Without content, I lose viewers and have to rebuild everything.”

Anna twirled her dark hair around her finger.

“Please?” Danni whispered.

“But me, Danni? I don’t know. I’m not sure if anyone would want anything more that I can, um, show. A butt is one thing. But every other part of me is so … not good for video.”

Anna cracked open the can of Coke and took a quick slurp.

“Aren’t there any other cam girls you know who can fill in? They probably have a better look than me. They would know what to say to the viewers. I’d just mumble. I’d be really nervous.” She gave a quick, awkward huff after she had offered another avenue to keep Kelli Tois alive.

“I don’t want anyone else on there. I want you.”

Anna took another sip of the crisp Coke. Her fingers gently squeezed the can to make tiny dimples, as her mind shuffled the opportunity to help her friend who was facing this tough problem.

“We can decorate, Anna. Come over here and see me. We’ll discuss.”

“I only have that one thong. No other clothes for a webcam.”

“Women on Webcam wear everything, all things, and nothing. Whatever you have, it’ll work. What did you wear to work today?”

Ann tugged at the collar of her worn-out New Kids On The Block t-shirt. “A black skirt and a boring blouse.”

“Bring it over tomorrow with those gym leggings and sports bra.”

“You think I’ll go on camera with that? Want me to bring my Halloween outfit from last year?” She laughed out loud.

“Yes!” Danni shouted excitedly. “The skeleton catsuit. Love the idea. We can do so much.”

“Kidding, Danni. I was only kidding.” She waved her arms to make her point. A swish of the Coke spilled from the can onto her shirt. Her shoulders sank.

“I’ll be there tomorrow.”

Danni led Anna into her basement studio.

“Wow, Danni. You have a lot of new stuff. Big lights, a better camera than your phone. A microphone!” She grabbed it and pretended to sing like a rock star. Then she let it go. She paced around. “I assume more toys too.”

Danni clicked on a tall box light. “I invested a little more money into Kelli Tois over the past few months. And there are a few more things to play with.” She clicked on a second box light.

“Before these lights, I didn’t realize how dark or, I guess dim, my videos were.”

She patted the post of the overhead light. “These babies have really helped.”

“And a laptop. To edit, I assume.” Anna glossed her finger across the flat keyboard.

Danni walked to a curtain that was bunched against the wall.

“I’ve wanted to try something.” She pulled the curtain along a crossbar, like she was closing a shower curtain.


Danni peeked from behind the curtain. “A silhouette.”

Anna laughed. “How about you get behind the curtain. And I’ll work the lights. Then no one will know if it’s you or not.” Anna walked to the hot lights.

“I’ve tried recording the idea. I don’t have the body for it. I’m a bit straight, boxy. I didn’t like the video.”

Anna stopped, having realized Danni’s intent.


“Let’s test it out. It’s a simple video. No talking. Just moving and dancing. You know what kind of things I mean.”

Anna glared at Danni. She crossed her arms. She was steady in resistance for a moment, but then her arms fell. “How do you get me to do this stuff? I really don’t like you right now.”

“I know you don’t. But you look so good. ‘Kelli Tois’ would love it.” She gave her friendly puppy-dog eyes and clasped her hands together in a plea.

Anna ruffled. “Fine. But I am not a good dancer, I’ll tell you that. I’ll probably fall over.”

“This isn’t Soul Train. This is more like, you know, stripper dancing.”

From another overhead crossbar, Danni pulled down a roll of thin white paper. It stretched from the ceiling to the floor. She situated the camera on the other side of the screen from Anna.

“The lights are bright on you. Your shadow is on this thin paper and the camera is on the other side of the paper. You’re unidentifiable.”

“Except for my fat ass—that’ll be obvious.” Anna gave a sarcastic huff.

 “Obvious, yes. Loved, all the more.” Danni directed the hot lights on Anna. She turned on a playlist of slow music.

“Okay, Anna Banana, get on it!”

Anna moved awkwardly. She stepped forward. Then she stepped to the side. She felt like she was shuffling around stiffly like Frankenstein doing a waltz. Anna felt her cheeks warm and turn red from the embarrassment. 

Danni changed the song to an 80s rock song that Anna liked. When Whitesnake began to play, Anna felt a little freer to cast off Frankenstein.

The song’s keyboards held the chords and the voice began, with Anna as back-up: “I don’t know where I’m goin’ but I sure know where I been. Hanging on the promises…”

Anna ran her fingers through her dark hair and slowly shifted her hips, side to side, to the cool keyboards and the man’s deep voice. Danni smiled as she recorded Anna’s silhouette. Her hips and hefty breasts were suited for this.

Then the rock band exploded with guitars and drums.

“Here I go again!” Anna sang loudly.

And her body began to rock to the faster rhythm of the bass and drums. Her breasts swished and her wide hips emphasized her narrow waist. When she turned to the side, the lights hit her body to outline her shapely ass that the Kelli Tois viewers had already fallen in love with.

The song finished and Danni ended the recording. 

“First video just needs to be edited.” Danni gave Anna a hug. “Thank you.”

“That easy?” Anna asked.

“This is not complex. That’s why porn stars are not more mentally ‘advanced.’” Danni smiled. “So what next do you want to do?”

“What toys haven’t you used yet?”

Danni opened the gun cabinet door. It gave a metal clang.

Anna scanned the shelves of oddly shaped toys. She recognized Hugo from the last video. An oversized black dick. A rainbow dildo. She had to look twice at what turned out to be a hand dildo. It intrigued her. Not, at first, about using it but understanding that she had actually seen what she thought she saw. Immediately afterward, she touched it.

It was stiff, not a wobbly penis-shaped hunk of plastic. She lifted it but it wouldn’t budge. She tugged again.

“It’s got a suction cup. It may take some effort—both to get it out of the cabinet and getting it all the way inside of you.”

Danni smiled. “Not that I know a lot about these kinds of…”

Anna rolled her eyes. “…Toys…”

“Yea, but this one is…”

“I’ve never seen one like…” Anna looked closely at it.

“Let’s use it. For video number two.”

As soon as Danni said it, the suction broke free for Anna, rattling the thin metal shelf.

Danni grabbed a dildo and led Anna to a square mirror already set on the floor. She wetted the suction on the base of the hand and pressed it hard onto the mirror. She smiled at Anna.

“Can I give you a hand?” Danni giggled and clapped her hand against the upright hand. “Wait, get started with this. The hand is a little large to begin with.”

She handed Anna a veiny, black cock.

“You will like the hand when you’re ready.”

Anna shed her tight cut-offs and her beige panties.

Danni lowered the camera, so it was six inches from the floor and angled upward. Anna was in full view—from the reflection of her pussy in the mirror, up her back, and to the top of her head.

“I need to get something, so I’ll give you a chance to get started alone,” Danni said. “And before you even say it, Anna. The mirror won’t break if you sit on it. Trust me.”

The comment quieted Anna’s immediate concern. With feet on both sides of the mirror, slowly, she lowered herself. Despite Danni’s assurance, Anna expected to have seven years of bad luck and a few cuts on her ass when it shattered below her.

Her cheeks touched the cold mirror. It felt like dipping into a cold pool on a hot day.

Once settled and warmed, she fiddled with her dangling labia. The flimsy pink lips jiggled, happily, back and forth as she toyed. Her fingers drew fast circles around her clit. Then two fingers spread the curtain of her folds to show the most secret place. A glistening, deep pinkness. One finger then slid into her cunt.

With a few strokes and a little play, she began to feel a warmth emerge. A quick moan escaped from her mouth, as she played.

She pulled out her finger. She stared at it covered in her glaze.

Next her pussy opened for the dildo. The thrusts began as gentle entries but quickly sped up into harder pushes deep inside of her.

She leaned her head back in the exuberance of the play. Her hips instinctually bucked against the black dildo that her hand was jamming inside of her. She shook out her hair and wailed, followed by a gruff grunt. She could only exhale the onrush of orgasm.

She opened her eyes and, glancing back, saw the red light on the camera just a few feet from her. First came a thought of worry and of embarrassment, but of unrestraint when the dildo in her hand bumped her clit. It felt so good. Her body released so much tension and stress. Her muscles all across her body eased.

Then she saw, waiting quietly for her, the hand. It remained patient and suctioned to the mirror.

Anna situated her back to the camera to be in full view, not knowing she had been from the beginning, of the coming crowd.

She rubbed her butt against the tips of the fingers, letting them feel her from the top of her ass and down to her wet folds. Before attempting to sit on the hand, she bounced each ass cheek separately to show off her prowess in controlling her large backside. The heavy, pale flesh flapped against the mirror. Then she tightened and released the pair together. She giggled at what she was doing. The men would love it.

Her ass had warmed the mirror enough to make it feel like she had to peel her flesh from the shiny surface.

When she looked down, her warm pussy had drooled a tiny speck of goodness onto the mirror. She knew she was capable of handling the hand.

Anna raised onto her hands and knees and backed up until the fingertips brushed her swollen labia. Feeling that first touch, she nearly howled from the crazy sensation. Desiring the same wallop, her wide hips drifted back and forth over the fingers so they would paw her pussy. She savored the flush of heat and intensity that forced her hands into fists and her nipples to harden at the very tips of her cramped tits. She unlocked her breasts from her bra to let them swing free and swing low toward the floor.

She reached back and clasped, as best as she could, the large mounds of fleshy ass, spreading herself apart. Everyone would see what they had loved the first time they saw her as Anna Banana. Now, they would see more.

She eased her pussy against the tips of the fingers and slowly sat on them. She allowed the fingers to disappear into her slick pussy. Then the thumb was consumed and followed by the knuckles. Her pussy had taken in nearly the whole hand.

She bounced her hips faster to get that rough rub. The hand inside of her felt like it was tearing open her precious diary and reading aloud all her secrets. And everyone would soon learn all those secrets. Surprisingly though, Anna Banana loved the idea. She basked in knowing what she would be doing to potentially hundreds of people for who knew how long into the future.

In the flurry of that exciting notion, she rose and dropped on the hand. Her large, hanging breasts swung side to side and in circles, banging together, thwoping against each other. The same thock happened as her ass moved and shook with Anna’s excited body. But it stopped.

An uncontrollable whoosh rushed up her toes and into her hips. Her eyes shut and her nose scrunched as if smelling something bad. Her buttocks tightened and her hands squeezed into tighter fists. Only her weighty tits were free to sag for a moment more.

The orgasm seized her body and kept a tight control. Anna Banana could only wait for the wonderful whoosh to drain, so she could breathe.

For good and for bad, the sensational orgasm lessened its power-hold on her.

She could not allow the hand to touch her again. It might be painful and ruin the aftereffects of arresting orgasm.

Instead, she rested, splayed out, on the mirror. She faced the tiny ever-watching camera and lifted her tits. She pinched both pointy, pink nipples and stretched them out. Then she let go. The pair flapped against her body.

Anna Banana exhaled and offered the viewers a soft, weary smile.

That was the end of the night’s recordings.

After a few days and many hours of editing, Danni called Anna.

Anna answered the call drooling out her hello.

“Hi, it’s me,” Danni said. “I have to tell you. Your videos are getting so many compliments.”

Anna paused the TV drama. “Really?”

“Yes! Kelli Tois rankings are going through the roof. I may have to do something to keep up with your popularity.”

“Oh, be quiet, Danni. You’re just saying that.” She swatted the air with a proud smile.

“Thank you, Anna Banana. And,” Danni said, “I’m prepared for the next weeks. I’m taking your advice: Trap the investigators.”

Next Chapter: Her Only Fan, Pt. 3

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