gay erotica contest winners

Have You Read our Gay Erotica Winning Stories? Meet the Finalists

What better way to get your sexual juices flowing than by writing out your wildest fantasy? Well, that’s exactly what LELO wanted our readers to do. We hosted a gay erotica contest to showcase what’s been cooking in your minds while we’ve had so much time to ourselves, and boy, the entries did not disappoint.

gay erotica contest winners

Without further ado, check out our top 3 stories (among so many more finalists that will be published!):

First Place

Four Black Walls – A Gay Erotica Finalist Story

four black walls gay erotica story

This story by Ivy Winter encompasses all the LELO stands for… accepting your kinks! The story describes a couple’s adventure into petplay, a BDSM practice used to strengthen the relationship between the dominant, Roman, and his submissive, Carter. In every other aspect of their relationship they maintain an equal power dynamic, but within these four walls they practice something much more fulfilling to the both of them. Research shows that embracing our desires is a big part of having better solo and partnered sex, and this story stunned our pannel of judges with its detailed description of everything magical that BDSM can offer.

Second Place

Dirty Little Secret – A Gay Erotica Finalist Story

dirty little secret gay erotica story

We’ll admit it, we love a good office story, and most likely, you’ve fantasized about one too. Author Ingrid Simson dreams up some erotica that goes beyond lust, describing an encounter when Tim visits his partner Jonathan unannounced at his workplace. How do the lovers get away with their dirty little secret within the glass office? Read on to find out!

Third Place

Score – A Gay Erotica Winning Story

score gay erotica story

Author Marilyn Jaye Lewis submitted one of the most creative erotic stories we received for this contest. What can we say, we couldn’t pass up a fantasy rooted in, well, fantasy. Follow along in her zombie story that gets more than up-close and personal. It goes to show that imagination is limitless, just like your sex life!

Keep an eye out for future contests…