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The Best Toys for Quiet and Private Use

We live in a time where it’s normal to share parts of our daily lives, including purchases, with the whole world. And yet, when it comes to sex, confidentiality and privacy remain a fundamental value – one of the main reasons why we love quiet sex toys. 

Moments of intimacy and pleasure should be distractless, even more so if you live with others, whether they’re roommates, parents, spouses (or, even worse, children). Also in not-so-private places like hotel rooms and guest rooms. When we carve out our moment of privacy, privacy, in fact, is what we want. 

What Makes a Sex Toy Discreet?

Let’s take a closer look at the characteristics that make a sex toy a discreet sex toy, and not just the fact that it’s quiet.

The first thing to consider when you’re looking for a quiet sex toy is, of course, the toy itself. You can choose a dildo, for example, that doesn’t have a motor and does not produce any noise. But if it’s a quiet vibrator that you’re looking for, there are a few things to consider.

First of all, a small sex toy is generally quieter than a large one, but this is not always true. To have a truly quiet object, it is important that the size of the sex toy is commensurate with its power: the smaller and more powerful a sex toy is, the more likely it will also be noisy.

Another factor to take into consideration is the materials: soft and smooth coverings will make the quietest vibrator. Speaking of general quality, rechargeable toys often require better technology and are quieter overall. Low-end toys actually tend to get noisier with use.

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Finally, in general, the simplicity of operation will contribute to a quiet performance. The more complex a sex toy is with extra functions and exposed moving parts, the higher the risk that it will be noisy.

But when we talk about discretion, we are not just talking about noise. The discretion of an erotic object is also related to its size and, even more so, by its shape.

Small sex toys are easy to hide but sometimes have an unconventional design that makes you think of everything except sex. There are clear exceptions to this though – sex toys with stems (often called massage wands) are generally large and very powerful, yet there are some that are very discreet. Not only because their shape isn’t traditionally phallic and is designed for all-over body use, but also because their sturdy “body” absorbs noise.

Features to Look for in a Silent Vibrator

Noise level: how to measure sound output. First of all, if the manufacturer is a serious one, it should indicate the noise level of a sex toy among its features, precisely because it is such an important factor. But, sometimes, this consideration may not be enough. Always take into account the characteristics of the space in which you will use it, because a silent vibrator for a large room in an old house (i.e. with thick walls) could be very noisy in a smaller room or in an apartment where the sound insulation is not the best. Our advice, if you shop in person, always ask to hear how the sex toy sounds once is turned on, while, if you buy online, always read the reviews and look for the noise level

As we have anticipated, objects coated in silicone tend to be less noisy than those coated in hard materials and this is for a fairly intuitive reason that silicone tends to absorb noise. Equally important is the quality of the manufacturing to guarantee you a performance that lasts over time. If you do not have the possibility to invest some money, there is a good chance that your purchase will become increasingly noisier as time goes by.

Of course, the manufacturing of the engine also plays a major role in the noise level of the object, so choose objects where the noise level has been taken into consideration. If the manufacturer does not indicate it among the characteristics of the object, there is a good chance that it is a detail that has not been considered.

If you are wondering which type of motor is the quietest, whether battery-powered or rechargeable, obviously there is no single answer but, in general, rechargeable motors tend to be quieter and this is for two reasons: one direct, namely that the vibrations of this type of sex toy tend to be deeper and less buzzy than those of battery-powered sex toys. The other is an indirect reason, namely that the sex toys of the highest quality, and therefore those made with more attention to details such as noise level, are mostly rechargeable.

Another feature to consider when looking for the best quiet vibrator is the ability to vary the intensity of the vibrations. And, possibly, the modes as well. This way, even if a mode is too loud for the environment you’re in, you can always lower the intensity or change the mode and find a more suitable one.

Best Silent Vibrators and Discreet Sex Toys

It is almost impossible to give you a complete list of the most discreet and quiet sex toys, but there are undoubtedly some models that are, due to intrinsic characteristics, quieter than others. Small sex toys tend to be quieter than larger ones, especially if they are covered in a sound-absorbing material such as silicone. It goes without saying that sex toys for internal use, such as G-spot vibrators or bullet vibrators, tend to be quieter than sex toys of a similar size but intended for external use, for the simple fact that your body creates a barrier between the noise and the outside world. Finally, large sex toys, such as magic wands, can be much quieter than expected since they compensate the power of the motor with an equally powerful body. 

When it comes to choosing a discreet sex toy, the price is one of the first factors to look at: a cheap sex toy will very rarely be quiet, so, if you want to save money, choose small models, possibly in silicone, possibly rechargeable. They should be less expensive than larger objects but equally high-performance and even quieter. Always look for the noise level in the description of the object, the fact that it is there is not a total guarantee (this is where the reviews come in handy), but its absence is a good indicator that this feature has not been given much weight. In general, stick to this rule of common sense: the bigger a sex toy is, the more important it is that it is also expensive in order for it to be quiet. The smaller a sex toy is, the more you can have a good result, perhaps not lasting over time, even when you spend less. Particularly cheap sex toys, of any shape and size, are not silent. 

If you love internal stimulation, the only recommendation we feel we can give you is to choose a model covered in silicone and, possibly, with a rechargeable battery. Same thing if you love anal stimulation: choose the most premium models possible, always with a flared base. If you love external stimulation, prefer small toys, in which you can compensate for the size with the price: that is, you can afford to choose higher-end sex toys since the price range of these objects is generally lower. If you are looking for a couple sex toy, a silicone penis ring is generally quite silent, also because, like a sex toy intended for internal use, it gets stuck between your bodies and the noise can be muffled. Otherwise, choose a dildo.

Tips for Using Sex Toys Quietly

With these little tricks, even if your device is not the quietest on the market, you will still be able to reduce its noise.

  • Always choose the mode and intensity that is right for the moment and the situation. If you are in an environment that does not guarantee you privacy, choose a lower intensity and a slower mode.
  • If you live in a crowded situation or absolutely need to feel inside a bubble of privacy, you can help mask the noise of the sex toy you’re using. In summer, you can turn on a fan or an air conditioner that, with its buzz, will mask the noise of the sex toy. If you’re in the bathroom, you can run the water. Alternatively, since wasting water needlessly is never nice, you can choose a waterproof sex toy and take it with you in the tub or shower. The presence or running of water will mask, in both cases, any noise produced by your device. Otherwise, you can choose some background music and turn up the volume until you feel comfortable. Another way to reduce the noise produced by a vibrator in action is to use it under the covers, the thicker the covers, the less noise you will hear. In summer, when the bedding is reduced to a minimum, you can use the sex toy ‘face down’, inserting it between your body and the mattress. 
  • The most discreet places to use sex toys are obviously those that guarantee maximum privacy: the bedroom and the bathroom, especially the shower and the bathtub. As for the time, do prefer a moment when you’re home alone and daily hours when external sounds such as traffic or appliances in operation can mask the noise of the device. During the night, even though our roommates are probably asleep, the absence of external noise can make every tiny sound feel like thunder and you’ll probably feel more uncomfortable than you should.

Additional Discreet Sex Toy Options

Here are some sex toys that guarantee you excitement and privacy.

  • Remote-controlled sex toys are often used for public games where the audience is, of course, unaware. One of the two partners wears the sex toy intimately, the other handles the remote control adjusting the intensity of the vibrations. One of the most exciting erotic games ever that, before the invention of remote-controlled sex toys, was simply unimaginable.
  • Wearable sex toys are, as we said, very effective. And just as discreet. No one will know that you are wearing it and the noise is usually completely masked by your body.
  • Small and ‘travel’ sex toys are discreet not only in their performance but also for their shape, which is usually innocent, and for their small size that allows you to slip them even in your pocket.


The best discreet sex toys are small, quality, silicone, rechargeable, simple, wearable sex toys.

When you have to make a choice, always consider the features that are most important to you, do you prefer power or discretion? If you find yourself living in a crowded situation, prefer small sex toys or powerful but high-end sex toys.

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