eco sex toys

Green Sex Toys for a Cleaner Planet

In honor of Earth Day, we’d thought we’d share the top five ways LELO keeps it green and clean for dear old Mother Earth.

1. Rechargeable batteries

LELO was the first company – and is still the only company – to use eco-friendly, rechargeable lithium-ion batteries in every one of our products.

With a life span of up to 6,000 charges, lithium-ion batteries have one of the best energy densities available, as well as a slow loss of charge when not in use. To put that into perspective, even if you drain and recharge your LELO’s battery every day for 10 years, you will still only have charged it 3,650 times!

That means you’ll never have to throw away a disposable battery, so you can enjoy your LELO safe in the knowledge that it’s the greenest option around.

2. Phthalate-free

Unlike some plastic vibes, all LELOs are completely phthalate-free.

If you’re not familiar with phthalates, they’re chemicals added to plastic as a cost-effective way of increasing its flexibility and durability, but which are easily leached away and absorbed into the body or the environment. And that can be seriously bad news – phthalates are toxic, marked by the FDA as a possible cancer risk, and can even disrupt the body’s delicate balance by mimicking hormones.

Our 100% FDA-approved silicone contains no harmful chemicals that can tarnish neither you nor Mother Nature, in sharp contrast with a number of other products found on store shelves.

3. Entirely In-House Manufacturing

To properly oversee the entire process all the way from development to packaging, we manufacture all of our products in-house.

Everything we make strictly complies with the standards for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) as well as Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS). But it’s not just about meeting the standards – keeping everything in-house gives us and our customers the assurance that LELO products are safe and kind to the environment.

4. Uncompromising Quality

Without a doubt, silicone is the ideal material for vibrators – not only because it is silky smooth and body-safe, but because of its nonporous surface, which makes it easy to clean and prevents it from harboring any surface bacteria.

And as we only use premium materials and high-quality components, our products are so long-lasting that they’re covered by a 10-Year Quality Guarantee. Since your LELO will keep going for longer than any other product on the market, this reduces the amount of discarded toys in landfills!

5. Our Environmental Policy

At LELO we care deeply about the environment, and since we are the only company in the industry to completely control our own production facilities, we are able to take charge of our carbon footprint and take steps to reduce our impact on the planet.

Spanning all areas of manufacturing, we’re continually looking for new ways to further decrease our material, water and energy waste, as well as our CO2 output. It’s these constant efforts that make LELO’s products both the finest and the greenest pleasure objects in the world.