sex toy cleaning tips

Cleaning and Caring for Sex Toys

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Sex toys are special in how they’re designed to grant us thousands of hours of pleasure, but they’re even more special because of how they interact with intimate parts of our bodies.

But, as they say, with great power comes great responsibility, and one of the responsibilities with maximized pleasure is properly cleaning and caring for your sex toys.

While safeguarding your and your partner’s health may sound simple, there are actually some common sex toys cleaning and storing mistakes that should be avoided. 

Following a few simple rules ensures that your products last as long as possible. Read on to learn how to clean silicone sex toys and more.

Why Cleaning Sex Toys is Important

Cleaning and sanitizing sex toys is essential. Insufficient cleaning, in fact, creates the risk of transmitting bacteria and fungi that can cause vaginosis and urinary tract infections, while improper cleaning, done with detergents or methods not suitable for your toy, can damage the coating or make it unusable as well as being harmful to your health. 

That’s why is necessary not only to routinely clean your toys (i.e. every time you use them), but also schedule a deeper cleaning that, when possible, involves sterilizing the objects, which can be done one-off and which must follow very specific rules because it is the one in which it’s easier to make mistakes.

Understanding Sex Toy Materials

The cleaning methods for your toy will change depending on the material it is made of. Here is a short list of the main materials that sex toys are made of and what they mean for cleaning methods:

  • Silicone: is a non-porous material, easy to clean with mild soap and warm water;
  • Glass and metal: can be sterilized in boiling water, are non-porous and are easy to disinfect;
  • Jelly Rubber & TPE/TPR: these are the materials that require the most care because they are porous and therefore can become a receptacle for bacteria. They require extra care and the use of a condom for maximum hygiene;
  • ABS Plastic: this is also a non-porous material, but toys made of plastic may have electronic components that require more delicate cleaning.

How To Clean Sex Toys

Here’s how to clean a sex toy that is made of non-porous material (like silicone, glass, metal):

The best way to clean sex toys made of non-porous materials, such as medical-grade silicone, some types of glass and metal, is to use a damp cloth soaked in a solution of warm water and a mild antibacterial soap. Wipe away any soap with a damp cloth and let the sex toy air dry or wipe it with a dry, lint-free cloth.

If your toy is a dildo (i.e., it doesn’t have any electrical or electronic parts), you can also disinfect it by boiling it for about three minutes. You shouldn’t do so if the toy’s covered in plastic, which is non-porous but is sensitive to heat.

If your sex toy is made of porous material (rubber, some types of plastic, jelly, real and synthetic leather, wood and certain types of ceramic and glass may also have a porous surface):

First of all, you must consider that you will never be able to thoroughly clean this kind of sex toy because the micro porosities of the surface represent a refuge for germs and bacteria and are virtually unreachable. In any case, the best way to clean them is to wash them with warm water and an antibacterial soap if they are waterproof, otherwise with a cloth soaked in a solution of warm water and antibacterial soap. You can also use this method for accessories made of leather (like harnesses, masks, floggers…). Let them air dry, and, in the case of materials such as rubber and jelly, often used to make realistic sex toys, sprinkle them with starch to keep them in excellent shape.

One way to ensure the hygiene of this type of toy is to cover them with a condom before use.

A big difference in cleaning a sex toy is whether it is waterproof or not. But be careful, there are various ‘degrees’ of being water-resistant:

If a sex toy is not waterproof, you need to clean it with a damp cloth and, if possible, let it air dry. Remember to always remove the batteries, before you start cleaning it and make sure that the battery compartment does not get wet. Before reinserting the batteries, make sure that everything is perfectly dry because humidity damages the batteries and therefore the functioning of your device.

If a sex toy is splash-proof, this means that it has the minimum degree of water resistance; in this case too, it is advisable to clean it with a damp cloth, always taking care of the mechanical parts.

If a sex toy is water-resistant, or waterproof, this means that you can submerge it (usually to a maximum depth of a few meters) under water. Waterproof sex toys can be washed under water, with complete peace of mind, even if they’re motorized.

Disinfecting Shared or Anal Toys

Let’s say that a sex toy is like a toothbrush and should never be shared with anyone. But if you’re part of a monogamous couple, where you have unprotected sex, it is possible that you also share one or more sex toys. In these cases hygiene must be doubled, because otherwise there is the risk of passing diseases and infections. The same applies to sex toys intended for anal use, a very delicate area and where, potentially, it is easier for bacteria to pass onto the sex toy. In these cases, it may be necessary to sterilize the toys you use. Also, always remember to thoroughly clean a toy you used anally before inserting it in the vagina and vice versa.

When possible, that is, in the case of non-porous materials, non-plastic objects and without mechanical elements, the best solution remains to boil the sex toy for a few minutes. Otherwise, there are both cleaning sprays for sex toys and wipes and UV sterilizers on the market (be careful, however, that these sterilizers eliminate bacteria but do not clean the toy, so it must always be cleaned before being sanitized). Finally, where these methods are not applicable, it is possible to use condoms.

Storing Sex Toys Properly

Germs and bacteria are not the only agents that threaten our health and the lifespan of our pleasure objects. Dust and dirt are equally harmful to both, which is why, in addition to proper hygiene, it is also important to know how to store sex toys.

Again, the best solution varies based on the material our toy is made of, but there are some basic rules that are valid in all cases. Sex toys, of any shape and substance, should be stored in individual cases, so that they are protected from light and dust and, if you have more than one, they shouldn’t be kept close to each other, which, in some cases, could deteriorate the material. Plastic bags should also be avoided.

LELO cleaning spray review

Choosing the Right Sex Toy Cleaner

When choosing a detergent, always consider that the sex toy you clean will then come into contact with very delicate areas of the body, especially of the female body. In most cases, a mild antibacterial soap and careful hygiene, perhaps with the help of a toothbrush to reach the most hidden parts, is more than enough. Avoid putting your toy in contact with harsh detergents that may contain chemicals that are harmful for the skin. And remember to rinse and dry them properly.

However, there are situations in which soap and water are not at hand or, even if they are, they are not the most convenient solution. For example, if you want to know how to clean a vibrator when you just had an orgasm and have no desire to get up to go to the bathroom, well, know that in these cases, you can use special wipes, soaked in a cleaning solution for sex toys.

How Often Should You Clean Your Sex Toys?

After every use. This is the simplest and most correct answer.

Leaving a sex toy dirty after using simply shouldn’t be done. So, whether it is immediately after use, or when you get out of bed after a restorative post-orgasm nap, the important thing is that your toy is clean when you store it. Once in a while, just as you polish your shoes and empty your bag, take your clothes to the dry cleaner and do a thorough cleaning of the house, in the same way, you should give your toy(s) a more thorough clean. Boil those that can be boiled and sanitize the others. 

It is not easy to understand when to replace a toy because sometimes, the first signs of deterioration can be barely visible. You should periodically check that the material that covers the toy is intact, that the seams and joints are in excellent condition and, obviously, that the motor is working at its best. If the signs of deterioration are clearly visible, such as a toy that changes shape or no longer vibrates as it should, it definitely needs to be replaced. Do not repair a sex toy that no longer works and dispose of (in accordance with your area’s recycling rules) objects that show signs of deterioration. Your personal health comes first.

Common Mistakes To Avoid

  • Never use harsh detergents that can damage the material sex toys are made of, but above all can cause irritation to your skin.
  • Remember that a sex toy must be completely dry before being stored. Otherwise, the risk of fungi and mold forming on its surface is very high.
  • Also remember not to store sex toys in contact with each other, otherwise they may deteriorate.


Taking care of your sex toys, keeping them clean and storing them in the proper way is essential, not only for the health of your object and its lifespan, but above all for your and your partners’ health .

A few simple steps are enough to ensure safe play for toys and people. Clean your toy thoroughly, if not immediately after use, at least before storing, sharing it or switching its use (from anal to vaginal and vice versa). Subject it, every now and then, to a more thorough cleaning and a closer inspection to determine its state.

If you then want to reduce the cleaning time to a few simple gestures, choose a sex toy cleaner and a few sprays will be enough to ensure a long life for your toy and maximum hygiene in all your interactions.

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