single parent dating app

New Dating App for Single Parents

Sure, there are a handful of mainstream dating apps that are loaded with singles, but are those apps really geared towards single parents?

By all means, there’s nothing wrong with using dating apps such as Tinder or Bumble! But, wouldn’t it be great to have a dating app that was specifically made for single parents?

The good news? Yay, there is!

If you’ve never heard of it, this dating app for single moms and dads is called Stir—brought to you by the ever-so-popular and leading dating company: 

Stir for single parents

Stir, as we mentioned, is an online dating app for single parents. How so? With its features that are tailored towards the unique needs of single moms and dads.

One feature in particular? A handy function called “Stir Time”. This is where single parents can put in the days and times in which they are the most able to chat. In this way, the algorithm gets to work and finds matches for you with a similar schedule.

Why is Stir so unique? Their aim is to make dating easier and more accessible for those who have children because, let’s face it, the world of online dating doesn’t always take this particular demographic into account.

And because its dating pool is so specific, your chances of finding love are higher than if you were to use another dating app.

Essentially, it’s a platform that wants to help single parents to connect and find someone to date casually or have a long term relationship with. 

And even though this dating app for single parents has its pros, including its attractive interface, strong safety and security guidelines, and that it is inclusive for all genders and sexualities, there are some cons to take note of:

  • One, Stir is a relatively new dating app so it may have fewer users right now
  • Two, the app may currently be experiencing some teething issues because it’s in its infancy 
  • Three, there is a free plan but to get the most out of the app it’s suggested to pay for a subscription (the cheapest starts at $16.99 a month for a standard 12-month subscription)
  • Four, standard features require in-app purchases 
  • Five, it is currently only available in the U.S.

The good news here is that two out of five issues may not be applicable one day in the near future.

Our verdict? The pros outweigh the cons, and Stir may just be worth your while.

How to use Stir, a dating app for single parents 

After signing up, you have the chance to create your profile. 

Creating your dating profile is similar to other dating apps, like Hinge or Tinder, whereby you’ll be asked to fill in certain details about yourself and upload up to six photos. 

Then you can start swiping. 

Stir works similarly to other mainstream dating apps; e.g. you will only be able to view one profile at a time, and you must swipe using the “skip” or “like” function to move onto the next profile. 

There are also dating-related and parent-related questions that you can answer, which will appear on your profile if you choose to answer them.

Some example questions:

  • What would a perfect night without your kids look like?
  • What do you like to do on Sunday mornings?
  • What are some of your life goals?
  • What’s your favorite guilty pleasure?

After you’ve set up your profile, you can start exploring its interface and finding potential matches. 

Some of the main features of Stir include:

  • Browsing in public and private mode
  • Messaging
  • Video chat
  • “Like” or “Super like” profiles
  • MatchPhone to call, text, or leave voicemails

And FYI: this dating app for single parents takes its security very seriously and has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to nudity, sexual content, harassment, hate speech, and illegal activities.

And now that we’ve taken a closer look at this dating app for single moms and dads, here are a few tips you may be interested in when it comes to dating as a single parent:

5 Tips for dating as a single parent 

1. Keep your dating life separate from your children

If you’re casually dating someone or multiple people, there’s no need to feel stressed or anxious about the future re: your children. 

And when you do feel as though you’re getting serious with someone, trust your gut as to when you think they should meet your kids. 

At the same time, keep in mind the type of stepparent you’d like for your children and if your potential partner has the capacity to be that kind of parent.

2. Keep talk about your children to a minimum 

Try to have a good balance of conversation. You could focus on topics and activities that encourage talking about each other or topics that are not child-related. 

As couples’ therapist Kyle Zrenchik says, “It can be too easy to talk about kids because it is such a huge part of your life. But then your date is learning more about your kids than you.”

3. Don’t apologize or make excuses for having children 

Many single parents feel as though having children is a negative thing that may hinder their dating life. In this way, they may feel compelled to apologize for it or even keep it a secret. But, when you find the right person, they will embrace every part of you—including your children.   

4. Consider the family you hope to create

According to licensed marriage and family therapist Ron L. Deal, single parents “need an objective measure of the qualities, attributes, and character of a potential partner.” Deal also stresses the importance of knowing what type of family you’d like to create. 

Essentially, if a potential partner doesn’t work well with your family, don’t force it. 

5. Be empowered 

There’s often a stigma attached to single parents who want to date—as if they have feelings of desperation. It’s important to know that you alone are powerful and that you do not need a partner to take you away from being a single parent, you would like a partner to share your family with.

And so single parents, what are your thoughts on the dating app, Stir? As you navigate the dating world, we wish you tons of success but also an overall feeling of happiness that includes your children.