LELO’s 3rd Annual Holiday Erotica Contest is LIVE – Get Writing!

This contest is now closed. Congratulations to our winners! Read their stories below:

First place story – A New Christmas Tradition

Second place story – The Last Day of Christmas

Third place story – Christmas Tree-Scented

By popular demand and with a few improvements, the LELO holiday erotica contest is back! So light your candles, dim the lights and stimulate your creative juices for a chance to win a free LELO toy.

In an upgrade to previous contests, we are now accepting submissions on any of our blog languages, including English, Spanish, French or Italian. So feel free to share with your friends who speak those languages, since there will be winners chosen for each of them.

Submission info for other languages:

The first stipulation to the contest is that the submission must be inspired by the naughty illustration below, which was created by our favorite Tea Jurišić (IG: @tea_jurisic).

lelo erotica contest

Contest Rules & Info

  1. Study the sexy illustration above.
  2. Create a story inspired by the image between 500-1,000 words. Submissions above the word maximum will be excluded from the competition by default.
  3. Submit your sexy story to volonte@lelo.com with the subject line: LELO EROTICA CONTEST ENTRY. Submissions without the specified subject line will be excluded from the competition by default. You can attach it as a document or PDF or type it out directly in the email.
  4. The contest will close on December 15th and late submissions will not be accepted. You are free to submit multiple stories, but can only win prizes for one.
  5. Winners will be hand selected by our team and announced by Christmas. Please do not follow up with us regarding your submission. If you follow the steps above, we’ll receive and review your story and be contacting the finalists only due to email volume.

Thank you for sticking through the nitty gritty of the details, but we want to make sure everyone has a chance at winning a spectacular sex toy and featuring a spectacular sex story on Volonte! And, of course, it can be COMPLETELY ANONYMOUS, so unleash those inner holiday erotica fantasies.

Happy writing and looking forward to your submissions!

Team Volonte