yoga on the roof part 4 free erotica

Yoga On The Roof, Part 4 – An Audio Erotic Series

PREVIOUS: Yoga On The Roof, Part 3


After hearing the heavy knock, Shelly stood on her tiptoes to peek through the peephole of her apartment’s front door. A Latino man stood in the middle of the hallway, hands on his hips. She knew who he was. The guy had texted her several times over the last two days.

She unlocked her door.

Seeing her peek around the door, the man was straightforward with introductions. “I’m Gerardo. Alessandra’s my girl.”

“Yes, I figured.” Shelly gently rapped her fingers on the door. She was tentative but tried to act friendly. She opened the door a little farther. “It’s nice to meet you in person. Alessandra talks a lot about you. Really likes you.”

“Yeah, well, I want to know what’s happenin’ here.”

Shelly frowned. “What’s happening? I don’t understand.”

“She has calls to do jobs as a some sorta model. She’s makin’ money and I don’t believe it.”

Shelly grinned and eased her defensiveness, figuring he was happy about her having a decent income.

“People really like her new face for their marketing and other needs.” She leaned her shoulder along the edge of the door. However, she did not plan to let him in.

“Yo, she really getting pictures or is something else happenin’, some no-eyes shit? Like ‘getting needs met’ for other dudes.”

“That’s a real question of yours?” Shelly straightened up, realizing his concern. “What do imagine she might be doing?”

He brushed under his nose quickly. “I see money, but I don’t see no picture on magazines or nothin’ else.”

Shelly nodded.

“It takes a while for images and materials to be published. The publishing world moves slower than social media. The proof of her modeling will be out soon.”

Gerardo put his hand on the doorframe. He had mono-colored tattoos on his fingers and forearms. A few even peeked from the hem of his shirt collar.

“Miss, she getting naked for dudes in men’s magazines? I don’t want no other dudes gettin’ off to my girl. You understand? She mine, nobody else’s.”

Shelly countered his view regarding Alessandra. “She’s not ‘yours,’ technically. She can do what she wants with her body.”

He swished his hands as he spoke with more concern. “This ‘model’ thing is near goin’ too far.”

Shelly interrupted.

“During shoots—photo shoots—you’re always on her mind. She thinks about you and wants to make sure she’s doing right by you. Don’t brush her off as some down-and-dirty girl. In fact, she’s quite the opposite.”

“For real?” He stiffened his shoulders.

“I work with her. She and I have grown quite close. I know for sure she’s in love with you, Gerardo. She is. It’s clear. Oh my, it is obvious. I mean, think about it. She took you to Mexico. That should be proof of her feelings.”

Gerardo calmed, although staring at Shelly. He brushed under his nose again. “Yo, I’m about having her alone. No other dudes. See?”

Shelly tried to change the subject to something positive about him. She leaned against the doorframe, although she kept the door angled sharply to close it quickly. “You’ve got a presence, a good face too, Gerardo. A chill demeanor. Latinos like you are popular right now. The tattoos and chinos are what some clients are interested in.”

Gerardo spoke slowly, as if intrigued by the opportunity. But distrust was still there. “You not just getting at me?” 

Shelly gave him a simple response that might cool him.

“Money is possible.” Shelly shrugged. “But it’s just a thought. Talk to Alessandra about it. We could even do some nice pics as a gift for Alessandra. Another thought.”

Shelly checked her watch as a reason to close the door. “I’ve got to get back to work now. Thanks for stopping by.”

She closed the door before Alessandra’s boyfriend could move to answer.

Shelly locked the door and then locked her bedroom door. She sat on the bed and flicked on the TV to calm her mind.

The locked bedroom door put one more barrier between her and him. The man had made her uncomfortable and worried. Her concern was Gerardo busting down the doors to demand that she stops working with his girlfriend on modeling gigs.

She texted Alessandra about Gerardo.

Fyi Gerardo came by today. Everything ok at home?

Several hours later, Shelly’s phone buzzed. A text from Alessandra.

G talking about him modeling. What’d you tell him?

He came here to talk about you.

Shelly followed up that text to ease any questions.

He may have a style.


Hoping the couple had settled, Shelly put down her phone, trying to get away from them. Gerardo still made her feel awkward. Alessandra would have to be there, if she would talk to him again.

Two days later, Shelly’s demanding client who was infatuated with Alessandra contacted her again.

“I love the images you sent of our girl in the city streets. Yes, they are fantastic.”

“Agreed. She is great. The best I’ve seen in a long time.”

“Looking for another face. A male face? He might have a …”

“Might he be interested in the shoot that I’ve been asking for but never get?”

Shelly chuckled nervously. “I have to get to know people a little more before I can know whether they’ll be willing to go that far for sure. Your request is a bit beyond what many people—particularly guys—will do.”

“Someday we’ll find someone.”

“I’m not sure.”

The client huffed. “Faith, Shelly, faith. Anyway, give me a couple of headshots of this guy. Even better, the two of them. I’ll take him to get more of her.”

At the client’s request and her own intrigue, she texted Alessandra.

Opportunity: you and Gerardo pic. Interested in a quick shoot?

I can’t this week. G wants to. Ok?

Shelly was unsure. Time alone with Gerardo did not feel comfortable.

Her phone pinged with another text.

When pic shoot possible?

This wasn’t Alessandra. Gerardo had reached out already about this. Shelly decided to get it over with quickly. If she thought too much or waited too long, any of her fear would fester. Overall, her business required her to deal with anyone and everyone of all stripes. A couple of headshots, a smile and a goodbye, that’d be smartest. She offered an open slot of her schedule.

Tomorrow 10 am


With a grunt, Shelly typed her studio address.

The next morning, Shelly had turned on the box lights and arranged the studio. The door buzzer sounded. Shelly ushered the man inside. As he looked around, he asked to see the picture of Luna on the Pacific. He also wanted to hold the white fur that Alessandra wore in the intersection. Shelly attempted to focus his attention on why he was here, so she could end this.

She moved him under the white-hot lights. She gave a few directions and instructions. She clicked a few images

“That’s what I need to share with my client.”

He was confused. “No more? But we just started.”

“A client doesn’t want too many headshots. Doesn’t need them. One—maybe two—would be sufficient,” she told him. “So I’ve got what I needed. If I hear back, I will …”

Gerardo interrupted her. “Do one more thing for me?”

“And what’s that?”

“Alessandra gave me some hot pictures. They make me … you know. Can I give some to her?”

Shelly was concerned about his ideas. “What … what are you thinking of?”

“Some sexy pictures,” he said. “She talks about how good I look.”

Shelly controlled a laugh. The male form isn’t what the female body is. They are separate and dysfunctionally alike.

“I don’t have any men’s clothes here, so there isn’t much by way of options.”

“Just take couple of sexy pictures of me. I don’t need more clothes.” He tugged at the collar of his shirt.

“Um … I guess …” She drew out the word nervously.

“Let me show you a few ideas of mine.” He unbuttoned his shirt and started to lift off his white undershirt.

Shelly objected. “Wait, wait, wait. Hold on, hold on. We need to discuss what’s on your mind.”

“Yo, I want my girl to have a good look at her sexy man.” He brushed under his nose, presenting his coolness and confidence.

“How far do you want to go?”

“I’m down with anything. Alessandra likes me butt-naked.”

“And you think she wants to have an image of you bare-ass naked?” Shelly squinted her eyes in disbelief.

“Tells me all the time. I want to give her what she wants.”

“She’s not just saying that during foreplay? To pump you up, maybe?” Shelly asked.

“I’m being straight-up real. No tricks. Alessandra’s like that. She got a, yo, a freaky side.”

“She’s one of a kind.”

Her response must have conveyed to him that the shoot would be good to do. He pulled his T-shirt over his head. He was left in his loose-fitting denim and his blue boxers boiling over the waist.

Shelly liked his tattoos. She didn’t expect to.

“Which one is your oldest tattoo?”

He pointed to a tattoo of the Los Angeles Dodgers on his upper arm. “I got inked at thirteen. Mom’s was mad as hell.”

“You have a favorite tattoo?” Shelly asked.

He turned. On his back was the Mexican Coat of Arms: A Mexican Golden Eagle, perched on a cactus while devouring a rattlesnake.

Shelly began taking pictures of his artwork. Getting the pictures as he talked provided better natural poses. He reached into his boxer shorts to Shelly’s surprise.

“I have one that Alessandra requested,” he said.

“Requested? She asked you to get the tattoo?”

“I told you about her.”

“Should I look at it? It may be too personal—for you and her only.”

It must not have been, because he lowered his shorts. A simple typeface of the name Alessandra across his lower diaphragm, at the top of his shag.

“That’s nice to do that for her,” Shelly said awkwardly.

Looking there, she noticed a bulge among the baggy clothing.

“Can you take a few pictures of my ink? My phone pics are bad, see. All messed up and shit.”

He handed Shelly his phone. She nodded at the poor quality, blurry, upside down.

She was about to say something but was astounded to see that he had dropped his pants and boxers to his knees. Shelly gasped at how forthright Gerardo was.

He had a thick brown dick emerging from a thicket of black hair. The cock was rising to an erection but was currently tilted leftward.

Shelly tried to speak. Her mind stalled. Her mouth locked. Her throat closed.

“This a good pose?” He crossed his arms and shifted his head to the left, leaving his features in a stern gaze.

Shelly lifted her camera. She snapped one picture. Gerardo changed positions. He framed the inked name Alessandra with his hands. Shelly clicked a picture.

 He shifted again, this time grabbing his dick, which had thickened to a hefty girth. He stroked himself to his obvious pleasure.

Shelly wanted this done. It felt too weird. A naked man she didn’t actually know who was going with a girl she actually liked.

“Well,” she said, “I hope Alessandra likes what she sees.”

“She always do. She can’t get enough.” He pulled up his pants. He grinned broadly when he looked at Shelly.

She gave him a tiny drive of unedited pictures to avoid editing them. 

Before he left, he suggested, “Text me if, you know, you want me to be a model.”

She agreed and quickly ushered him out of her studio. She sent Alessandra a text.

Saw Gerardo for some headshots. He pushed to do more pics. Nothing else happened.

A text came back.


Be prepared.


He wants to surprise you. Sorry if I ruined it. So act surprised.

Shelly watched TV that evening to get Gerardo out of her mind. She even avoided perusing the images of Alessandra because they reminded her of her boyfriend.

Her phone buzzed about two hours later.

Love the pics! G look so so sexy. Great surprise. I owe you.

Shelly dropped the phone onto the bed as if it had burned her hand. The text baffled her. Alessandra liked Gerardo in those poses. His body, his hardcore stances, her name tattooed among his hair. Alessandra was confusing.

And what would Alessandra owe her, Shelly wondered.

Over the next hours, Shelly dreamed up several fun things. However, Gerardo still dampened the excitement of them. He had Alessandra’s heart. Yet, Shelly had the tiny, white panties that Alessandra had worn in the most recent shoot in the alleyway. Alessandra had enticed Shelly, flirted with her.

Maybe Alessandra didn’t realize the impact she made. It was more likely that Alessandra hadn’t thought through everything and acted in the moment without regard for the effects of her actions going forward. Bewitching someone—Shelly or even Gerardo—causes disappointment and confusion. Wishing to avoid further disappointment, Shelly decided to back off for a time from working with Alessandra and Gerardo. She had others to offer as possible models for ads or art. She could find more girls who might be interested. Nevertheless, the thought of yoga on the roof was amazing. The likelihood of such a meeting would never happen again. Remembering it, she still decided on a temporary hold.

Two weeks later, a note was tucked behind the apartment number on Shelly’s door. On the card was a sketched woman alone under a dark cloud. Inside was written “I miss your sunshine.” Alessandra scribbled her name below the text. Shelly looked closer and noticed a G. Both of them had signed the card.

The card astounded Shelly. “What in the world?”

She sat on the couch, holding the card in her hands.

Loneliness had weighed on her lately as she denied herself Alessandra. None of Shelly’s other work kept her attention in such a way. Indeed, missing Alessandra had brought Luna to mind. Where had she gone? Would she remember Shelly, if they met? Would she ever see Luna again?

Shelly slid the card from Alessandra into the small drawer in the end table. She remained steadfast in withdrawing from the couple. She wanted a little more time. When she had shed her desire for Alessandra, she might work with the lovely woman, but it had to be on a more distant relationship. When her phone pinged with texts, Shelly simply gave a vague message about a busy schedule and travel priorities.

Two weeks later, another card appeared on her apartment door. On the front of the card was a cute brown puppy with large, droopy eyes. Inside was the puppy amidst a puddle of milk and cereal. Alessandra scribbled:

Nothing’s fun anymore. Missing you. Alessandra

This time, Gerardo hadn’t signed it.

The card lightened Shelly’s mood. The distance she wanted from Alessandra evaporated. Suddenly, with the cuteness of the cards and Alessandra’s attempts to revive their relationship, Shelly caved. She grabbed her phone and typed out:

Have free day tomorrow. Want to meet?

Moments later, there was a ping.


The next day, Shelly was across the table from Alessandra. Shelly had forgotten how lovely the tiny Latina was. She was worthy of staring at. Her black midi dress highlighted her thin waist, and the off-the-shoulder top left her brown, knobby shoulders bare.

Shelly redirected her attention to Alessandra’s ongoing conversation.

“… so that’s how we met. Since then, I have never seen him as such a handsome man. The pictures gave me a new view of him.”

“I’m glad you liked them.” Shelly spoke softly.

“Like them! How ‘bout love them! I think—”

Shelly let her continue, but Alessandra’s enthusiasm about Gerardo disappointed Shelly. Her desire to have Alessandra’s full attention resurfaced, starting to burn in her chest. She had attempted to stamp out the desire, like a stale Pall Mall. She couldn’t though.

“… been talking to me about doing more but this time with me. He wants me to ask you, but I told him I wouldn’t. Me and you have a professional relationship. I don’t want to mess that up.”

Alessandra paused. “Shelly, are you okay?”

Her question startled Shelly from her thoughts. She regained her thoughts and said, “I haven’t heard from my client about the headshots of Gerardo. I’m still waiting. This long and I question whether anything’s going to happen.” Shelly offered a sad face and an apologetic shrug.

“Maybe we need to market him to different places. Would that work?”

“Listen, I’m not sure I can do any more for him. I have headshots that I will send him. After that, he’ll have to take over. I’m sorry.”

Alessandra sat back in her chair, one arm across her stomach and her other elbow on her wrist, while fiddling with her large earring.

Shelly engaged again. “You have a great sense when it comes to gifts. They are fantastic.”

“Cards are old fashioned but never out of date. A text message is one thing. But holding a physical object with handwriting on it is different.”

“You are on a different level.” Shelly put her elbows on the table. “A level I love. I wish I could get at that level.” Shelly laughed at her comment, until she realized what it might have conveyed.

Alessandra must have liked the underside of the comment. “I try to live at a different level. I invite people up here. Small gifts help.”

“Cards do, certainly.”

“Other gifts too.”

“Other things?”

Alessandra stared into Shelly’s eyes.

“Do you still have them?” Alessandra asked slowly, dragging out her words.

“Do I have what?”

“They’re tiny and they’re white and I wore them.” She raised her eyebrows. A smile smeared over her mouth.

Shelly suddenly blushed and touched the tip of her nose with her left hand.

“You do!” Alessandra’s smile then brightened her face until she began to laugh. She grabbed Shelly’s right hand. “Where are they? Keeping them in a special spot? Have you, uh, washed them?”

Shelly tried to tug free. Alessandra wouldn’t release her.

Alessandra said, “I knew you’d be surprised. You probably fell flat-ass backward.”

Shelly tugged again.

Before letting go, Alessandra offered, “There’s another surprise, since you loved the first present.”

“Another surprise?” Shelly asked immediately. Her mouth salivated

“Do you want it?”

“Yes.” Shelly barked her answer. She felt that her bark came out too quickly. All the desires and feelings that Shelly had tried to stamp out reignited to an even higher temperature.

Alessandra changed the subject from a new gift.

“Will you take me to your studio? I have had this urge to see the fur coat again.”

Shelly wanted instead to get her present. It was intriguing and stirred her deep in her stomach. However, she gave in to Alessandra’s request. “I guess we can.”

An hour later, Shelly unlocked the door. Alessandra rushed to the closet. Despite it unnecessary, Shelly called, “It’s in the closet.”

Out came the small Latina lady covered, from ears to ankles, in the heavy fur. She spun like she did weeks ago when she first wore it.

Shelly stood there like a mother watching her young daughter pretend she was a ballerina, enjoying her coat rise higher and higher the faster she spun.

Alessandra slowed until the fur dropped off her again. “I have dreamed about this fur. It changed me. You changed me.”

“You have the face. Not me. I didn’t do anything except—”

“No,” Alessandra interrupted, “you changed me by offering an opportunity. I feel like I owe you something in return.”

Alessandra stepped to Shelly. She pulled her arms from the sleeves of the coat.

Shelly stepped back.

“You have done plenty,” Shelly said. “My clients are happy and intrigued. You would be astounded by how many calls I get for more pictures of you. They are practically begging. A photographer couldn’t be more grateful for that.”

Alessandra stepped toward her again. “I know they are begging. I got the thousand dollars in my bank account.”

Shelly stepped back. Alessandra stepped forward.

“What can I do for you personally, Shelly? Not for Shelly the photographer. Not for Shelly the businesswoman. I mean for you.”

“I, uh, I don’t know,” she said, feeling awkward.

“You said some things during our last photoshoot. Those things were so hot to hear.” Alessandra lowered her chin, focusing a ferocious stare.

She opened the fur and enveloped Shelly, pushing her tiny body hard against Shelly’s.

“What do you want, Shelly?” Alessandra said at a steady pace, on the verge of growling. She touched Shelly’s cheek.

Shelly’s throat tightened. Her thoughts blurred. A bolt of energy shot up her spine. She knew what she wanted. She had fantasized about it for months while looking at the images of Alessandra. But speaking those fantasies aloud when she didn’t expect it was nearly impossible.

Alessandra urged her on. “You have to tell me. I can’t guess. I won’t guess.”

Alessandra leaned in. With her mouth at her ear, she whispered. “Tell me.”

Her small lips brushed Shelly’s earlobe. 

Shelly murmured, “I want … I want what Gerardo has.”

Alessandra looked into Shelly’s eyes.

“I can do that.”

Her tongue reached out for Shelly’s, and they kissed.

Feeling her lips and exploring tongue, Shelly was astounded. Her blurry mind went blind caused by the passion that she had desired for so long and had tried to squash. The heavy fur and the two women inside, who were furious with passion, blasted the level of heat in that small place.

Alessandra’s left hand cup Shelly’s breast. Her thumb and forefinger on her right hand grazed Shelly’s chin.

Alessandra broke the kiss, taking deep breaths. She wiped the corners of her mouth as if she had just voraciously eaten dessert.

“I do a lot to Gerardo. Is there anything you want from me? Anything. I’m willing right now to do it,” Alessandra urged.

“I want you to …” And, this time, she pressed into Alessandra with a kiss. She moved her hands across the spindly body. She had wanted to touch her, not just grab her through a camera lens.

This time though, Shelly broke the kiss. She led Alessandra by her hand to the divan sofa that she used as a prop for shoots. Alessandra sat down and looked surprised when Shelly resisted sitting next to her. Instead, Alessandra gasped when Shelly knelt and put her hands on Alessandra’s inner thighs.

“Open your legs.”

“But …”

“Do it.” Shelly was blunt.

Alessandra hiked up her dress and leaned back on the sofa. She took a deep breath before spreading her legs.

Shelly pushed her face into the lap of the little Latina. Shelly felt the humidity and musk between those legs. She licked the bald pussy. Shelly glossed the light labia and glazed the deeper folds.

Alessandra’s body jolted at the touch.

“God, Shelly, this is … Wow!” Now Alessandra muttered incoherently.

Meanwhile, Shelly prodded her tongue up and down, right to left, through the heat and wetness. Finally, she found Alessandra’s special spot. Alessandra began to speak furiously fast in Spanish. The woman began pulsing her hips. She grabbed the edge of the divan. One foot lifted to the sofa, widening her legs. She squealed like a crazed woman.

Eventually, Shelly rose. Her face was reddened and covered in a sheen.

Alessandra pulled Shelly above her. “I never get that.”

Shelly sat on the edge of the sofa, shoulders slumped and sweeping her hair from her sticky face. She was tired but extremely pleased.

Shelly turned to Alessandra. “I’ve wanted that since I first saw you in the downward dog position on the roof. Remember that?”

“How could I forget? Can we go to your apartment?” Alessandra asked.

“My apartment?”

“Yeah, there’s more space.”

They headed to Shelly’s home.

Alessandra was surprised when she went into the living room.

“You kept my cards! That is so kind.” She hugged Shelly.

“Do you think I would throw them away? No way.”

Shelly sat on the couch, but Alessandra objected to the sofa.

“I’ve not seen your bedroom in a long time.”

She tugged Shelly to her feet.

When Shelly was standing, Alessandra kissed her briefly before turning to the bedroom. She paused.

“I wonder where you kept something else of mine,” she said.

“Oh no, not …” Shelly felt Alessandra was stepping into her private life. She had just put her face into the most private place on Alessandra’s body, but this was different. It revealed a lot about herself that she was unsure about sharing.

“Where are they, Shelly? Show me.”

“Alessandra.” Shelly said her name slowly.

“In your nightstand?” She smiled. “Or maybe in a box with other toys.”

Shelly rested against the queen-sized bed, with her arms crossed, while her friend grew ever more intrigued.

“Shelly, I know they’re here. They were too much of a special present,” Alessandra said.

“It was a present for sure. A surprise.”

“Can I see them?” She showed her puppy-dog eyes.

Shelly exhaled, as if frustrated, and walked to the head of the bed. She reached into her pillowcase. She paused before pulling them out.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” Shelly said.

“I can’t believe I left them here. I’m not that freaky. But I did it for you.”

Shelly removed the white panties and let them dangle from her thumb and forefinger.

Alessandra smiled brightly.

“Will you put them on?” Alessandra asked.

“Me! I couldn’t get them passed my thigh. You’re tiny.”

“Then let me put them on again.”

“I want to keep them.” Shelly held the white underwear close to her chest.

“I will give them back. I just think you will like them better if I am wearing them while I’m burning hot.”

“Burning hot?”


Shelly held out the panties.

Alessandra bent over to slid both legs into the panties.

She asked, “Did you like the smell of them? Did it remind you of me?”

Shelly slowly nodded.

“Can I do something else that will remind you of me?” Alessandra asked. Her sultry eyes returned.

Shelly didn’t move.

Alessandra unbuttoned Shelly’s light blouse and then released her hefty breasts from her full-size bra.

Alessandra put her cheek against one breast and gently stroked the flesh with her fingers.

Like a young girl, she asked, “Mommy, can I suck your titties?”

Shelly’s eyes widened.

Alessandra’s pink tongue stretched out and flicked the pink nipple. She went on to consume the flesh with her entire mouth.

Shelly stroked the glistening black hair, tucking it behind Alessandra’s petite ear. Soon moans were escaping from Shelly’s mouth.

She yipped when Alessandra began to lick and suckle the other breast.

Shelly had not had such attention in a long time. Luna came to mind. Their lovely night in Puerto Vallarta.

Alessandra wasn’t Luna though. Instead, she seemed unlike her. Alessandra continued to glance up as she attended to the hanging tits. Alessandra would ask if Shelly was enjoying it. Luna, on the other hand, controlled the night.

Goosebumps popped up across Shelly’s belly when the Latina placed her lips lower and lower on her body. She arrived at the band of Shelly’s pants and the beige panties underneath.

Alessandra looked up again for permission.

“Mommy, will you let me pull down your panties?” she asked.

Shelly was overwhelmed by all of this. She didn’t expect it. It was so unexpected that she struggled to answer the woman who was on her knees before her. Shelly just nodded.

The spindly fingers unbuttoned the pants and pulled them down. Then they peeled back the panties. Soon, appearing before Alessandra, was a mass of chestnut-colored hair. Without looking away from the bush, Alessandra tugged the underwear to the floor.

Shelly sat on the bed. Her mind finally formed the important words to make this move ahead. “Eat me. I’ve waited and waited for this.”

Alessandra raised Shelly’s large thighs and opened them. Her wet pussy unfolded until the pink appeared perfectly.

Shelly was completely open to Alessandra, everything exposed. Her heels were pointed upward and toward the walls because she was spreading so wide.

Looking over her breasts and down her belly, Shelly witnessed the face of Alessandra disappear into her lap. The first lick twisted Shelly’s back and tightened her butt. It was slow and deep. The following strokes were quick, leaving behind flashes of pleasure.

Shelly only saw the straight, black hair. A halo reflecting off the glistening hair moved as Alessandra bobbed up and down on Shelly’s pussy. It reminded Shelly of gobbling up fresh watermelon on a hot summer afternoon.

“Alessandra … Alessandra … yes, yes. You’re right there. Keep going.”

Shelly pounded the mattress and grimaced when she felt Alessandra’s finger slide in deeply, while her mouth still moved in a new rhythm. Like Luna had, Alessandra brought Shelly to a unique, series of peaks, rolling throughout her body. Firecrackers and honey drips. Wind gusts and pine prickles. She orgasmed.

Shelly’s legs dropped over the side of the bed, essentially paralyzed. Her arms were weak.

The tiny Alessandra climbed up Shelly and placed a long kiss on her lips. Shelly’s face had a gloss with Alessandra’s essence. Now Alessandra was glowing with Shelly’s own essence.

Alessandra stood over Shelly, hands on her hips. “I know you loved me. It’s obvious when you can’t answer.”

She hooked her fingers into the waistband of the tiny panties she was wearing. She pushed them to the floor and stepped out.

Holding them in her hands, she said, “These are so damp. If you liked them before, you’ll love them now.”

She put the panties into Shelly’s limp hand.

“These are yours. Sleep with them. Keep them close. I want you to remember me.”

Shelly finally sat up, wiping her forehead. “That was …”

“I need to leave for now, but can we meet soon? I don’t want to wait as long as we last did.”

“I have some photography ideas. We’ll flesh them out together.”

Alessandra kissed her once more and left. Shelly lay back on the bed, naked, in love, and holding Alessandra’s wet panties.

NEXT: Coming soon…