Sensual role playing; according to our survey findings, more people than ever before are enjoying it, yet we still get a number of questions regarding the why’s and how’s of a little bedroom make-believe. We’ve mined the depths of experience among everyone in the LELO office, and present to you our tips and suggestions for what is an enjoyable ingredient for even spicier intimacy.
Role-playing with a partner can be a great way to tap into sexual desires you might otherwise not try – while you’re in make-believe mode, you can be anyone you want – it’s liberating for both partners. You might feel a bit silly. but if that’s the worst that can happen, then there’s certainly no reason not to try!
What you need to get started
Luckily, we all possess the most important components for some sexy role-playing, which is a healthy imagination full of sexual fantasies. Costumes and props can add to the experience, but are not completely necessary – as with many things, it’s the story that counts.
Sexy scenarios; the simpler, the better
The most popular sensual role play scenarios out there include Doctor/Patient, Delivery person/Stay-at-home Spouse, Master of the House/French Maid, Professor/Student – see a pattern here? These are all dynamics we encounter in our lives (bar one, unless you’ve got a French Maid in your employ), so they’re a great place to start.
Pick a Persona
Even if you’re the only one into the role, consider stepping into someone else’s shoes all by yourself and showing your partner how it can change the dynamic in your lovemaking. Be whoever you like – as long as it’s someone else; a sexy stripper, a dangerous dominatrix or a naughty neighbor and see where your performance leads you, and you partner will more than likely follow suit.
Have Fun with It!
The one essential when it comes to a sexy role play is a sense of humor; meeting any obstacle with no judgment and the ability to laugh it off is not only key to more enjoyable passionate playtimes, but to a strong relationship too.
Still scratching your head when it comes to further ways to add some sauciness to your sex life? Simply experience the secret pleasures offered by a wearable bullet vibe or sensual Ben Wa beads on a night out and halfway through the evening let your partner in on the secret too – he’ll be playing the role of the infatuated lover in no time!