Sexy Goodnight Texts

Sexy Goodnight Texts for Extra Sweet Dreams

Chances are, if you’re reading this article, it’s because you’ve realized that ‘U up?’ isn’t necessarily the most highly-appreciated way to let someone special know that you’re on their mind late at night. Never fear, as we’ve let ourselves get a little bit poetic with these sexting ideas for saying goodnight.

The Romantic Texts

Just saying ‘sweet dreams’ no match to these lines…

“I’ll be sleeping on the very edge of the bed so I can imagine your body is lying next to me tonight.”

“The sheets still smell like your cologne/perfume and it’s not making me feel very sleepy at all…”

“If I can’t fall asleep with you in my bed I’ll just fall asleep with you in my heart instead.”

“Just texting you so that I can make sure you’re the last thing I think about tonight and the first thing I think about in the morning.”

The Risqué Text

Because subtlety is overrated, in our humble opinion.

“The noise outside my apartment is so loud, I wish I had your thighs to hold over my ears.”

“I’m ready to see all my favorite parts of you in my dreams.”

“If you can’t get to sleep I’ve heard orgasms are a great way to make yourself tired…”

“I’m going to bed early so I have plenty of energy for when you come over tomorrow.”

“I could really go for some  you right now.”

The Kinky Texts

Hey, kinky people wish each other goodnight too!

“Sleep well, and if you dream of me, remember that I like it rough.”

“I can’t sleep, will you tell me a story? Something where I’m the lead character, ropes are involved and you’d have to be over 18 to read it.”

“I’m trying to fall asleep but I just can’t figure out why there’s rope wrapped around my bedpost instead of your wrists.”

“Next time you sleep over, remember I’m a sucker for romantic stuff.  Like dirty talk and spanking.”

“I want you to make me come with your tongue but tire me out with your cock,”

Go to Sleep Smiling…

A picture is worth 1000 words, and a game of sexy selfie tag (while taking necessary precautions of course) is the perfect way to make sure you both get tuckered out – and give you plenty of energy for the morning

Try turning it into a ‘Simon Says’ game, with parts of the body you’d each like to see, toys you’d like to see them use, etc. You can also try both watching the same erotic video and talking over text about your favorite parts…